I have following abstract class that is derived from the AuditedEntity. From my understanding this should set the CreatorUserId for every new enity without setting it automatically.
public abstract class SalesEntityBase : AuditedEntity<int>, IFullAudited, IMustHaveTenant
public int TenantId { get; set; } = 1;
And following concrete one:
public class Offer : SalesEntityBase, IOffer
public int QutationId { get; set; }
I am calling:
var offer = new Offer();
offer.QutationId = 1;
//_offerRepository is default repository derived from IRepository
await _offerRepository.InsertOrUpdateAsync(offer);
However, CreatorUserId is not saved.
Do you have any idea why this is the case?
11 Answer(s)
Are "SalesEntityBase" and "SalesFinancingEntityBase" or second one inherits the first one?
Sorry my mistake. The name of the entity class is SalesEntityBase and Offer inherits from it. I corrected the original post.
Is it working for other entities? Say that is it saving current UserId to CreatorUserId when you create an Edition on UI?
I created with /mpa a new edition and yes, the creatorid is saved
Are you creating your entity from a host user? If so, it will not set CurrentUserId (this is by design). Also, you have this code which is not good and may lead to problems:
public int TenantId { get; set; } = 1;
No, the entity is created from the UI. I am logged in as a "normal" user. Do you have any other ideas?
I mean that: have you entered tenancy name or did you left empty while logging in?
ah sorry. I left it blank while logging in (the application has just a default tenant by now)
So, if you left it blank, then you are in host view (<a class="postlink" href="http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Multi-Tenancy#host-vs-tenant">http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/ ... -vs-tenant</a>). Normally, a host user should not work with IMustHaveTenant entities.
ok, what is your recommendation? Remove the IMustHaveTenant from my base entity? Or would it be possible to assign a default tenant for the user?
My recommendation is that: You should not work with IMustHaveTenant entities from host users. They are for tenants. So, you should not allow to see that page in host view (if a host user see this page, he will see all data of all tenants which is not effective). You can create a permission with multiTenancySides = MultiTenancySides.Tenant, like we did for Dashboard page.
More info: ABP does not set a host user's id to CreatorUserId of a tenant entity, because the user and the entity may be in different databases and we get a foreign key exception in that case.