Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "soulmate"

ok, what is your recommendation? Remove the IMustHaveTenant from my base entity? Or would it be possible to assign a default tenant for the user?

That sounds great to me! Thank you once again for your great work

Hey Guys,

I hope this forum fits the topic ;-)

First of all I want to thank you again for providing this great framework. I choose the framework because one the one hand I feel that it is stable enough to build my application upon on this and on the other hand it well documented.

However, looking from a ressource based point of view it must be really hard for you to maintain aspnetzero for all the flavors (ASP.NET MVC 5.x, ASP.NET Core 1.x, AngularJS) and adding useful features to it. So I want to start a small discussion about the roadmap or the future of your nice framework.

From my point of view (and I think others who buy the licencse will have the same opinion) I need a stable framework with a solid ecosystem. This includes for me:

  • Logging
  • JobScheduler
  • Localization
  • Caching
  • Settings
  • Auditing
  • Authentification & Authorization

For me this framework should be based on the latest technolgoy and should be upgraded frequently so that my team can focus on building line of business applications without the hassle to maintain nuget packages or reinventing wheels. This will allow junior/ mid developers to speed up with software development.

After .NET Core is now out for some month I compared the features that come with aspnetzero and that are included in .NET core. As far as I can see .NET core has a lot of features like DI, Localization, Logging, Caching, etc included and maintained by a huge community. From your perspective it should make sense to use this features and build advanced features/ easier handling for aspnetboilerplate on top of this, right?

Would it be an idea to skip the support of ASP.NET MVC 5.x within the next year and only focus on .NET Core? From an architect perspective you then would be much faster/ better in providing updates and new features.

Maybe it would make also sense to introduce a "user voice" feature to your community in order to ask the people who use the framework which component should be added to the framework?

Best regards

ah sorry. I left it blank while logging in (the application has just a default tenant by now)

No, the entity is created from the UI. I am logged in as a "normal" user. Do you have any other ideas?

I created with /mpa a new edition and yes, the creatorid is saved

Sorry my mistake. The name of the entity class is SalesEntityBase and Offer inherits from it. I corrected the original post.


I have following abstract class that is derived from the AuditedEntity. From my understanding this should set the CreatorUserId for every new enity without setting it automatically.

public abstract class SalesEntityBase : AuditedEntity<int>, IFullAudited, IMustHaveTenant
       public int TenantId { get; set; } = 1;

And following concrete one:

public class Offer : SalesEntityBase, IOffer
        public int QutationId { get; set; }

I am calling:

var offer = new Offer();
offer.QutationId = 1;
//_offerRepository is default repository derived from IRepository
 await _offerRepository.InsertOrUpdateAsync(offer);

However, CreatorUserId is not saved.

Do you have any idea why this is the case?


First of all, I want to thank you for all the effort you put into ASP.NET Zero.

I am really happy with the framework and using most of the features out-of-the box in order to reduce my own complexity. The framework works really stable for me. However, I like to do regular updates that you made to the framework.

After upgrading to the latest version I received almost 200 errors. All errors where related to code that comes with ASP.NET Zero that I have never touched (like the UserManager.cs). For fixing these issues I had to gernerate a new project and copy & paste the new code. The overall upgrade process took me a lot of time. I think other users will have the same problem and thus might stick to an old version.

For the next version I think it would be a good idea if you can abstract the code base more and put the code in own .dlls that comes with the ASP.NET Zero framework.

One example could be the ValidationHelper or the TimeZoneService: I see no reason why this code should be in the default .Core template. People would still be able to extend/ overwrite these methods.

What do you think?

Of cause, it is based on the kendo upload control. It is strange, the code worked perfectly before. The method I describe above is never hit, so I think there is a new filter or something that blocks the request


          .Async(a => a
              .Save("UploadFiles", "OfferFile", new { offerId = Model.OfferId })
              .Remove("RemoveFiles", "OfferFile", new { offerId = Model.OfferId })
          .Files(files =>
              foreach (var f in Model.Files)
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