I have created a new area called Training within my MVC application along with a controller called courses. If I go to the controller in a browser (/Training/Courses) I get the expected response (View rendered).
If I then add my appservice to be injected in the constructor the route is no longer able to find the controller resulting in a broken URL.
This controller was from the main controllers folder and was working OK before moving the controller to the area (updated the namespace).
Do I need to do any setup to make areas work with dependency injection?
4 Answer(s)
Is your solution AspNet Core 1.x or AspNet MVC 5.x? Also, did you register your service to DI?
The app is mvc 5 and the app service worked previously when the controller was not in an area. I have created a new controller without any dependencies (in the constructor) an the controller works OK.
Do I need to register the app service within the area as well or will the auto registration be enough (when using the interfaces in the docs)?
Can you share your controller definition. Normally all controllers must be registered to dependency injection if they implement AbpController.
Courses controller in the Training area
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Web.Mvc; using Abp.Web.Mvc.Authorization; using Roxybox.TrainingManager.Authorization; using Roxybox.TrainingManager.Training; using Roxybox.TrainingManager.Training.Dto; using Roxybox.TrainingManager.Web.Controllers; using Roxybox.TrainingManager.Web.Models; using Roxybox.TrainingManager.Web.Models.Training; namespace Roxybox.TrainingManager.Web.Areas.Training.Controllers { [AbpMvcAuthorize(PermissionNames.Pages_Training_Courses)] public class CoursesController : TrainingManagerControllerBase { private readonly ICourseAppService _courseAppService; public CoursesController(ICourseAppService courseAppService) { _courseAppService = courseAppService; } public ActionResult Index() { //Run SUT var output = _courseAppService.GetCourses(new GetCoursesInput()); var model = new CoursesViewModel { Courses = output.Courses, PageHeader = new PageHeaderViewModel("Training", "Courses", new List<BreadcrumbViewModel>() { new BreadcrumbViewModel("Dashboard","/"), new BreadcrumbViewModel("Training","/Training"), new BreadcrumbViewModel("Courses") }) }; return View(model); } } }
Base controller inherits from AbpController
public abstract class TrainingManagerControllerBase : AbpController