Hi, I've created a multiselect list by using angular directives. [attachment=0:1khpt7j8]multi-select.JPG[/attachment:1khpt7j8] My requirement is, I've to fill the first list according to the selection of the first combobox. When I select any item from the list, it will be moved to the next list. Then I can assign the selected students to the batch selected in the second combo.
Here the problem is, when i select a batch which is having students, it may not fill the students to the list. And when i select any other batch, the list will be populated! :? It's playing anonymously :roll:
I'll share you my code. index.cshtml
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6">
<div class="row margin-bottom-10 text-left" style="margin:5px">
<label for="BatchSelectionCombobox" style="margin:5px">@L("SelectFrom") </label >
<select id = "BatchSelectionCombobox"
class="form-control bs-select"
ng-options="o.name for o in vm.batches"
ui-options='{ iconBase: "fa", tickIcon: "fa fa-check" }'
<div style="margin:5px">
<input class="form-control" placeholder="{{vm.options.searchPlaceHolder}}" ng-model="vm.searchItem">
<div class="pool">
<li ng-repeat= "item in vm.options.items | filter: vm.searchItem | orderBy: vm.options.orderProperty">
<a href="" ng-click= "vm.change(vm.options.items, vm.options.selectedItems, vm.options.items.indexOf(item))">{{item.firstName}}</a>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary blue ng-scope btn-xs" ng-click="vm.change(vm.options.items, vm.options.selectedItems, -1)">Select All</button>
<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6" >
<div class="row margin-bottom-10 text-left" style="margin:5px">
<label for="TargetBatchCombobox" style="margin:5px">@L("ReassignTo") </label>
<select id="TargetBatchCombobox"
class="form-control bs-select"
ng-options="o.name for o in vm.batches"
ui-options='{ iconBase: "fa", tickIcon: "fa fa-check" }'
<div style="margin:5px">
<input class="form-control" placeholder="{{vm.options.searchPlaceHolder}}" ng-model="vm.searchSelectedItem">
<div class="pool">
<li ng-repeat="item in vm.options.selectedItems | filter: vm.searchSelectedItem | orderBy: vm.options.orderProperty">
<a href="" ng-click="vm.change(vm.options.selectedItems, vm.options.items, vm.options.selectedItems.indexOf(item))">{{item.firstName}}</a>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary blue ng-scope btn-xs" ng-click="vm.change(vm.options.selectedItems, vm.options.items, -1)">Deselect All</button>
var vm = this;
vm.batch = null;
var batchService = abp.services.app.batch;
var studentService = abp.services.app.student;
function init() {
var filter = '';
batchService.getBatches($.extend({ filter: filter }, vm.requestParams1))
.then(function (result) {
var item = { id: '0', code: 'SEL', name: '-- Select --' }
result.items.splice(0, 0, item);
vm.batches = result.items;//result.items;
vm.selectedBatch = vm.batches[0];
vm.targetBatch= vm.batches[0];
vm.options = {
searchPlaceHolder: 'Search by Name',
labelAll: 'All Students',
labelSelected: 'Selected Students',
labelShow: 'firstName',
orderProperty: 'firstName',
selectedItems: []
vm.fillStudents = function (selBatchId) {
vm.options.items = [];
vm.options.selectedItems = [];
if (selBatchId != '0') {
studentService.getStudents({ batchId: selBatchId }).then(function (result) {
vm.options.items = result.items;
vm.change = function (from, to, index) {
if (index >= 0) {
from.splice(index, 1);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
from.length = 0;
public ListResultDto<StudentListDto> GetStudents(FilterStudentsInputDto input)
int? BatchId = Convert.ToInt32(input.BatchId);
var studentList = _studentRepository.GetAll()
.WhereIf(BatchId.HasValue, s => s.BatchId.Equals(BatchId))
u =>
u.FirstName.Contains(input.Name) ||
var studentListDtos = studentList.MapTo<List<StudentListDto>>();
return new ListResultDto<StudentListDto>(
The AppService is returning the correct value, but the issue occurred when binding the data to the view. Do you have any idea?
10 Answer(s)
I'm not sure if this will work or not but, can you try to define vm.selectedBatch in your controller just below line
vm.batch = null;
I think it's not defined in your view by default.
Hi, Unfortunately, no changes were happened after defining the 'vm.selectedBatch' :cry:
Can you add this to your select item.
it should be something like this
<select id = "BatchSelectionCombobox" class="form-control bs-select" ui-jq="selectpicker" ng-model="vm.selectedBatch" ng-change="vm.fillStudents(vm.selectedBatch.id)" ng-options="o.name for o in vm.batches" ui-options='{ iconBase: "fa", tickIcon: "fa fa-check" }' data-live-search="true" refresh-delay="0">
Hi, I've solved the anonymous behavior myself :mrgreen: It was happened because I've defined the service objects (batchService & studentService) inside the controller. Now I've injected them in the controller definition. Like this:
appModule.controller('tenant.views.sis.studentBatchReAssigning.index', [ '$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', '$uibModal', 'abp.services.app.batch', 'abp.services.app.student', 'abp.services.app.studentBatchMapping', function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, $uibModal, batchService, studentService, studentBatchMappingService)
Now the anonymous behavior issue is solved.
But I've another problem :!: I've done this without using the ui-jq="selectpicker" attribute. So my dropdown is having a simple style as you can see in the first screenshot. It is not having a search option as well.
I know I can make it cool by giving the ui-jq="selectpicker" attribute. But the problem is, after giving the attribute the dropdown will not be loaded. But when i refresh the page, it will be fine.
How can we make it filled at the first load itself??
My current code is like this:
<div class="row margin-bottom-10 text-left" style="margin:5px"> <label for="BatchSelectionCombobox" style="margin:5px">@L("SelectFrom") </label > <select id = "BatchSelectionCombobox" class="form-control bs-select" ui-jq="selectpicker" ng-model="vm.selectedBatch" ng-click="vm.fillStudents(vm.selectedBatch.id)" ng-options="o.name for o in vm.batches" ui-options='{ iconBase: "fa", tickIcon: "fa fa-check" }' data-live-search="true" refresh-delay="0"> </select> </div>
You need to refresh your selectpicker. You can view this topic, it is related to a similar issue #925@c673626e-8d59-40d5-820b-60b9d4aa2c16
Hi, I've done as per the information seen in the post. Now the dropdown is populated perfectly.
But still there is a problem.. Whenever I click any option from the dropdown, the option next to the clicked item will be selected. :shock: The same issue is existing in your code also :?. It is in the 'Create New Language' popup. It will be fine at the first time selection!
Which version of AspNet Zero do you use ?
I think I'm using v2.1.0. Because I've purchased it in the end of october. But in AppVersionHelper class it's showing v1.13.0.0! :?
We have two versions before 1.x is for ASP.NET MVC 5.x version and 2.x is for ASP.NET Core version. Now we use 2.x for all of them. So, it's not a problem for you :).
I will check it and get back to you about this issue.
I just checked this problem and it seems like we have fixed it with this issue. <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero/issues/134">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero/issues/134</a>
You can apply the same change to your project.