I am following from ABP documents ([http://www.aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Zero/Startup-Template#token-based-authentication])
I am able to use <ins>Postman</ins>to call services present in Application layer but when I call any method in Web layer, I am getting an exception. Also, API conventions are not working. I need to specify ControllerName/MethodName in url to execute the function.
<ins>Error Details:</ins> An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service AK.FinancialAccounting.Web.Controllers.HomeController was found Castle.MicroKernel.IKernelInternal.Resolve
3 Answer(s)
Why do you need to call your Controllers outsite of your web application ? Or did I understand it wrong ?
Application layer methods are exposed as web api for that purpose.
Can you share your HomeController definition ?
I am trying to call ASP.NET Core controllers from Rest Client. As in ASP.NET Core, Controller and ApiController are merged and I can now use Controller as Web API.
You are right, you should be able to call your Controllers. Can you share your HomeController definition ?
I want to try the same case.