I need to consume the services exposed by my ASP.NET Zero project from a mobile client but this is not working. I have a CategroyAppService that has a GetCategory method. I am able to call this method from the JavaScript proxy (abp.services.app.category.getCategory) on the web client, but I am receiving 'Empty or Invalid anti forgery header token.' whenever I try to access /api/services/app/category/getcategory?id=1 How do I resolve this, Please
3 Answer(s)
Is your project ASP.NET MVC 5.x or ASP.NET Core ?
Its ASP.NET 5.x
Can you try to access the same api via postman ? It's explained here <a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetzero.com/Documents/Development-Guide#token-based-authentication">https://aspnetzero.com/Documents/Develo ... entication</a>.
If you can reproduce the problem, please share postman's request with us and I will try the same thing in order to understand your case.