Hello hikalkan,
What is the proper way to use abp framework with a wcf service and consume it on a asp.net mvc application?
I did an example here but its wrong, I'm getting this error:
Component Abp.Domain.Uow.UnitOfWorkDefaultOptions could not be registered. There is already a component with that name. Did you want to modify the existing component instead? If not, make sure you specify a unique name.
I know this happens because of my code, because its registering on every method call.
but how should I do it them, where I register my components ?
my code:
public class GerenciadorBoletadorWCF : IGerenciadorBoletadorWCF
public string GetNumeroBoleto()
IoContainer IoCDriver = new IoContainer();
string NumeroBoleto = string.Empty;
dynamic BoletoService = IoCDriver.GetInstance();
NumeroBoleto = BoletoService.GetBoletoNumero();
return NumeroBoleto;
public class IoContainer
AbpBootstrapper bootstrapper;
dynamic instance;
public IoContainer()
bootstrapper = new AbpBootstrapper();
instance = bootstrapper.IocManager.Resolve();
public void Release(object obj)
public dynamic GetInstance()
return instance.GetBoletoService();
class DependencyDriver : ITransientDependency
public readonly IBoletoNumeroService _boletoNumeroService;
public DependencyDriver(IBoletoNumeroService boletoNumeroService)
_boletoNumeroService = boletoNumeroService;
public IBoletoNumeroService GetBoletoService()
return _boletoNumeroService;
5 Answer(s)
Yes, it's not true. You should register and initialize ABP only once. Actually, you need to make GerenciadorBoletadorWCF created by dependency injection system. You can search for it (for example: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/251265/Dependency-Injection-and-Windows-Communication-Fou">http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/251 ... cation-Fou</a>). Also, where are you hosting WCF? In a Windows Service or Web App? I would share some code if I have, but not. If you can not find solution, write here again.
Have a nice day.
Nice, I will check this example from code project and come back here with an sample.
I am hosting on IIS.
On that example doesn't say nothing about windsors AddFacility<WcfFacility>
I will need to change the framework to add thatThanks
Could You please give us an update on Your success? I need exactly the same thing - to create wcf service, but I would not like to loose abp functionality.
if i host wcf by Windows Service ,is that OK?
I want to upload image to the WCF REST service. I also want to pass another parameter to the service.
I have created following method for that: