I created and downloaded my project, the ASP.Net Core version, and cannot resolve over 150 dependencies, such as Castle.Core. The error for that specific dll is: "NU1001 The dependency Castle.LoggingFacility >= 3.3.0 could not be resolved." but I tried adding Castle.Core v3.3.3 to the .Core project where I received this error and I still get this error. This is just one example. How do I resolve all of the dependency errors? (And, yes, I already ran "Restore Packages".)
3 Answer(s)
Do you have .net core installed on your machine ? <a class="postlink" href="https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/core#/current">https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/core#/current</a>.
If so, can you try to delete a line (one of the unresolved dependencies) from your project.json, wait for packages to restore and add it again ?And see if that package is restored successfully or not.
I had this issue - for me it turned out to be that with multiple nuget feeds (i had a private one set up) it was not being able to download packages for some reason - i turned off the private nuget feed and all was well after deleting a dependency and saving json config, then re-adding it in as suggested.
Thanks @ScottW,
This might be the case as well.