Can you please tell me how i can instantiate this in our js page not frontend, i have attached the js file, i have created a folder under lib in the project and put it there.
the code would go as follows
var pptx = new PptxGenJS(); var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();
slide.addText('Hello world!', { x: 1.0, y: 1.0, font_size: 42, color: '00FF00' });'Demo-Simple');
4 Answer(s)
/* PPTX Units are "DXA" (except for font sizing) ....: There are 1440 DXA per inch. 1 inch is 72 points. 1 DXA is 1/20th's of a point (20 DXA is 1 point). ....: There is also something called EMU's (914400 EMUs is 1 inch, 12700 EMUs is 1pt). SEE: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... -open-xml/</a> | OBJECT LAYOUTS: 16x9 (10" x 5.625"), 16x10 (10" x 6.25"), 4x3 (10" x 7.5"), Wide (13.33" x 7.5") | REFS: * "Structure of a PresentationML document (Open XML SDK)" * @see: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... 78335.aspx</a> * TableStyleId enumeration * @see: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... =office.14</a>).aspx */
// Polyfill for IE11 (<a class="postlink" href=""> ... /isInteger</a>) Number.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(value) { return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value) && Math.floor(value) === value; };
// Detect Node.js var NODEJS = ( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports );
// [Node.js] <script> includes if ( NODEJS ) { var gObjPptxMasters = require('../dist/pptxgen.masters.js'); var gObjPptxShapes = require('../dist/pptxgen.shapes.js'); }
var PptxGenJS = function(){ // CONSTANTS var APP_VER = "1.1.6"; var APP_REL = "20170119"; var LAYOUTS = { 'LAYOUT_4x3' : { name: 'screen4x3', width: 9144000, height: 6858000 }, 'LAYOUT_16x9' : { name: 'screen16x9', width: 9144000, height: 5143500 }, 'LAYOUT_16x10': { name: 'screen16x10', width: 9144000, height: 5715000 }, 'LAYOUT_WIDE' : { name: 'custom', width: 12191996, height: 6858000 } }; var BASE_SHAPES = { RECTANGLE: { 'displayName': 'Rectangle', 'name': 'rect', 'avLst': {} }, LINE: { 'displayName': 'Line', 'name': 'line', 'avLst': {} } }; var SLDNUMFLDID = '{F7021451-1387-4CA6-816F-3879F97B5CBC}'; var IMG_BROKEN = ''; var EMU = 914400; // One (1) Inch - OfficeXML measures in EMU (English Metric Units) var ONEPT = 12700; // One (1) point (pt) var CRLF = '\r\n';
// A: Create internal pptx object var gObjPptx = {}; // B: Set Presentation Property Defaults gObjPptx.title = 'PptxGenJS Presentation'; gObjPptx.fileName = 'Presentation'; gObjPptx.fileExtn = '.pptx'; gObjPptx.pptLayout = LAYOUTS['LAYOUT_16x9']; gObjPptx.slides = []; // C: Expose shape library to clients this.shapes = (typeof gObjPptxShapes !== 'undefined') ? gObjPptxShapes : BASE_SHAPES; this.masters = (typeof gObjPptxMasters !== 'undefined') ? gObjPptxMasters : {}; // D: Check for associated .js files and provide warings about anything missing if ( typeof gObjPptxShapes === 'undefined' ) gObjPptxShapes = BASE_SHAPES; /** * Export the .pptx file (using saveAs - dep. filesaver.js) */ function doExportPresentation() { var intSlideNum = 0, intRels = 0; // STEP 1: Create new JSZip file var zip = new JSZip(); // STEP 2: Add all required folders and files zip.folder("_rels"); zip.folder("docProps"); zip.folder("ppt").folder("_rels"); zip.folder("ppt/media"); zip.folder("ppt/slideLayouts").folder("_rels"); zip.folder("ppt/slideMasters").folder("_rels"); zip.folder("ppt/slides").folder("_rels"); zip.folder("ppt/theme"); zip.file("[Content_Types].xml", makeXmlContTypes()); zip.file("_rels/.rels", makeXmlRootRels()); zip.file("docProps/app.xml", makeXmlApp()); zip.file("docProps/core.xml", makeXmlCore()); zip.file("ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels", makeXmlPresentationRels()); // Create a Layout/Master/Rel/Slide file for each SLIDE for ( var idx=0; idx<gObjPptx.slides.length; idx++ ) { intSlideNum++; zip.file("ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout"+ intSlideNum +".xml", makeXmlSlideLayout( intSlideNum )); zip.file("ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout"+ intSlideNum +".xml.rels", makeXmlSlideLayoutRel( intSlideNum )); zip.file("ppt/slides/slide"+ intSlideNum +".xml", makeXmlSlide(gObjPptx.slides[idx])); zip.file("ppt/slides/_rels/slide"+ intSlideNum +".xml.rels", makeXmlSlideRel( intSlideNum )); } zip.file("ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml", makeXmlSlideMaster()); zip.file("ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels", makeXmlSlideMasterRel()); // Add all images for ( var idx=0; idx<gObjPptx.slides.length; idx++ ) { for ( var idy=0; idy<gObjPptx.slides[idx].rels.length; idy++ ) { var id = gObjPptx.slides[idx].rels[idy].rId - 1; var data = gObjPptx.slides[idx].rels[idy].data; var extn = gObjPptx.slides[idx].rels[idy].extn; // A: Users will undoubtedly pass in string in various formats, so modify as needed if ( data.indexOf(',') == -1 && data.indexOf(';') == -1 ) data = 'image/png;base64,'+data; else if ( data.indexOf(',') == -1 ) data = 'image/png;base64,'+data; else if ( data.indexOf(';') == -1 ) data = 'image/png;'+data; // B: Grab base64 encoding header (ex: "data:image/png;base64") var header = data.substring(0, data.indexOf(",")); // C: Set content and trim the leading base64 header ('data:image/png;base64,') JSZip only needs the data after ',' (will error otherwiose) var content = data.substring(data.indexOf(",") + 1); // D: Add image zip.file( "ppt/media/image"+id+"."+extn, content, {base64:true} ); } } zip.file("ppt/theme/theme1.xml", makeXmlTheme()); zip.file("ppt/presentation.xml", makeXmlPresentation()); zip.file("ppt/presProps.xml", makeXmlPresProps()); zip.file("ppt/tableStyles.xml", makeXmlTableStyles()); zip.file("ppt/viewProps.xml", makeXmlViewProps()); // STEP 3: Push the PPTX file to browser var strExportName = ((gObjPptx.fileName.toLowerCase().indexOf('.ppt') > -1) ? gObjPptx.fileName : gObjPptx.fileName+gObjPptx.fileExtn); if ( NODEJS ) { zip.generateAsync({type:'nodebuffer'}).then(function(content){ fs.writeFile(strExportName, content); }); } else { zip.generateAsync({type:'blob'}).then(function(content){ saveAs(content, strExportName); }); } } function componentToHex(c) { var hex = c.toString(16); return hex.length == 1 ? "0" + hex : hex; } /** * DESC: Used by `addSlidesForTable()` to convert RGB colors from jQuery selectors to Hex for Presentation colors */ function rgbToHex(r, g, b) { if (! Number.isInteger(r)) { try { console.warn('Integer expected!'); } catch(ex){} } return (componentToHex(r) + componentToHex(g) + componentToHex(b)).toUpperCase(); } function inch2Emu(inches) { // FIRST: Provide Caller Safety: Numbers may get conv<->conv during flight, so be kind and do some simple checks to ensure inches were passed // Any value over 100 damn sure isnt inches, must be EMU already, so just return it if (inches > 100) return inches; if ( typeof inches == 'string' ) inches = Number( inches.replace(/in*/gi,'') ); return Math.round(EMU * inches); } // C: Add padding [margin] (if any) // NOTE: Margins translate: px->pt 1:1 (e.g.: a 20px padded cell looks the same in PPTX as 20pt Text Inset/Padding) if ( $(cell).css('padding-left') ) { objOpts.marginPt = []; $.each(['padding-top', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-left'],function(i,val){ objOpts.marginPt.push( Math.round($(cell).css(val).replace(/\D/gi,'') * ONEPT) ); }); } // D: Add colspan (if any) if ( $(cell).attr('colspan') ) objOpts.colspan = $(cell).attr('colspan'); // E: Add border (if any) if ( $(cell).css('border-top-width') || $(cell).css('border-right-width') || $(cell).css('border-bottom-width') || $(cell).css('border-left-width') ) { objOpts.border = []; $.each(['top','right','bottom','left'], function(i,val){ var intBorderW = Math.round( Number($(cell).css('border-'+val+'-width').replace('px','')) ); var arrRGB = []; arrRGB = $(cell).css('border-'+val+'-color').replace(/\s+/gi,'').replace('rgba(','').replace('rgb(','').replace(')','').split(','); var strBorderC = rgbToHex( Number(arrRGB[0]), Number(arrRGB[1]), Number(arrRGB[2]) ); objOpts.border.push( {pt:intBorderW, color:strBorderC} ); }); } // F: Massage cell text so we honor linebreak tag as a line break during line parsing var $cell2 = $(cell).clone(); $cell2.html( $(cell).html().replace(/<br[^>]*>/gi,'\n') ); // LAST: Add cell arrObjTabCells.push({ text: $.trim( $cell2.text() ), opts: objOpts }); }); switch (val) { case 'thead': arrObjTabHeadRows.push( arrObjTabCells ); break; case 'tbody': arrObjTabBodyRows.push( arrObjTabCells ); break; case 'tfoot': arrObjTabFootRows.push( arrObjTabCells ); break; default: } }); }); // STEP 4: Paginate data: Iterate over all table rows, divide into slides/pages based upon the row height>overall height $.each([arrObjTabHeadRows,arrObjTabBodyRows,arrObjTabFootRows], function(iTab,tab){ var currRow = []; $.each(tab, function(iRow,row){ // A: Reset ROW variables var arrCellsLines = [], arrCellsLineHeights = [], emuRowH = 0, intMaxLineCnt = 0, intMaxColIdx = 0; // B: Parse and store each cell's text into line array (*MAGIC HAPPENS HERE*) $(row).each(function(iCell,cell){ // 1: Create a cell object for each table column currRow.push({ text:'', opts:cell.opts }); // 2: Parse cell contents into lines (**MAGIC HAPENSS HERE**) var lines = parseTextToLines($.trim(cell.text), cell.opts.font_size, (arrColW[iCell]/ONEPT)); arrCellsLines.push( lines ); // 3: Keep track of max line count within all row cells if ( lines.length > intMaxLineCnt ) { intMaxLineCnt = lines.length; intMaxColIdx = iCell; } }); // C: Calculate Line-Height // FYI: Line-Height =~ font-size [px~=pt] * 1.65 / 100 = inches high // FYI: 1px = 14288 EMU (0.156 inches) @96 PPI - I ended up going with 20000 EMU as margin spacing needed a bit more than 1:1 $(row).each(function(iCell,cell){ var lineHeight = inch2Emu(cell.opts.font_size * 1.65 / 100); if ( Array.isArray(cell.opts.marginPt) && cell.opts.marginPt[0] ) lineHeight += cell.opts.marginPt[0] / intMaxLineCnt; if ( Array.isArray(cell.opts.marginPt) && cell.opts.marginPt[2] ) lineHeight += cell.opts.marginPt[2] / intMaxLineCnt; arrCellsLineHeights.push( Math.round(lineHeight) ); }); // D: AUTO-PAGING: Add text one-line-a-time to this row's cells until: lines are exhausted OR table H limit is hit for (var idx=0; idx<intMaxLineCnt; idx++) { // 1: Add the current line to cell for (var col=0; col<arrCellsLines.length; col++) { // A: Commit this slide to Presenation if table Height limit is hit if ( emuTabCurrH + arrCellsLineHeights[intMaxColIdx] > emuSlideTabH ) { // 1: Add the current row to table // NOTE: Edge cases can occur where we create a new slide only to have no more lines // ....: and then a blank row sits at the bottom of a table! // ....: Hence, we very all cells have text before adding this final row. $.each(currRow, function(i,cell){ if (cell.text.length > 0 ) { // IMPORTANT: use jQuery extend (deep copy) or cell will mutate!! arrRows.push( $.extend(true, [], currRow) ); return false; // break out of .each loop } }); // 2: Add new Slide with current array of table rows arrObjSlides.push( $.extend(true, [], arrRows) ); // 3: Empty rows for new Slide arrRows.length = 0; // 4: Reset curr table height for new Slide emuTabCurrH = 0; // This row's emuRowH w/b added below // 5: Empty current row's text (continue adding lines where we left off below) $.each(currRow,function(i,cell){ cell.text = ''; }); // 6: Auto-Paging Options: addHeaderToEach if ( opts.addHeaderToEach ) { var headRow = []; $.each(arrObjTabHeadRows[0], function(iCell,cell){ headRow.push({ text:cell.text, opts:cell.opts }); var lines = parseTextToLines(cell.text, cell.opts.font_size, (arrColW[iCell]/ONEPT)); if ( lines.length > intMaxLineCnt ) { intMaxLineCnt = lines.length; intMaxColIdx = iCell; } }); arrRows.push( $.extend(true, [], headRow) ); } } // B: Add next line of text to this cell if ( arrCellsLines[col][idx] ) currRow[col].text += arrCellsLines[col][idx]; } // 2: Add this new rows H to overall (The cell with the longest line array is the one we use as the determiner for overall row Height) emuTabCurrH += arrCellsLineHeights[intMaxColIdx]; } // E: Flush row buffer - Add the current row to table, then truncate row cell array // IMPORTANT: use jQuery extend (deep copy) or cell will mutate!! arrRows.push( $.extend(true, [], currRow) ); currRow.length = 0; }); // row loop }); // tab loop // Flush final row buffer to slide arrObjSlides.push( $.extend(true,[],arrRows) ); // STEP 5: Create a SLIDE for each of our 1-N table pieces $.each(arrObjSlides, function(i,slide){ // A: Create table row array var arrTabRows = []; // B: Create new Slide var newSlide = ( opts.master && gObjPptxMasters ? api.addNewSlide(opts.master) : api.addNewSlide() ); // C: Create array of Rows $.each(slide, function(i,row){ var arrTabRowCells = []; $.each(row, function(i,cell){ arrTabRowCells.push( cell ); }); arrTabRows.push( arrTabRowCells ); }); // D: Add table to Slide newSlide.addTable( arrTabRows, { x:(opts.x || arrInchMargins[3]), y:(opts.y || arrInchMargins[0]), cx:(emuSlideTabW/EMU), colW:arrColW } ); // E: Add any additional objects if ( opts.addImage ) newSlide.addImage({ path:opts.addImage.url, x:opts.addImage.x, y:opts.addImage.y, w:opts.addImage.w, h:opts.addImage.h }); if ( opts.addText ) newSlide.addText( opts.addText.text, (opts.addText.opts || {}) ); if ( opts.addShape ) newSlide.addShape( opts.addShape.shape, (opts.addShape.opts || {}) ); if ( opts.addTable ) newSlide.addTable( opts.addTable.rows, (opts.addTable.opts || {}) ); }); }
// [Node.js] support if ( NODEJS ) { // A: Load 2 depdendencies var fs = require("fs"); var $ = require("jquery-node"); var JSZip = require("jszip"); var sizeOf = require("image-size");
// B: Export module module.exports = new PptxGenJS();
I think this is the framework you use <a class="postlink" href=""></a>.
According to it's explanation, first you need to include these scripts <a class="postlink" href=""></a>. We already have jquery, so you need to include other 3 scripts.
Then, in your page's javascript file, you can use it like this <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ion-basics</a>.
Do you have an exception ?
yes i followed all the steps and it works fine in the cshtml page, bu what i want is to call this way from the index.js page
var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();
because i am filling an array with values and finally when the user presses save i want to collect the data from our vm .array
and create the slide add the text and then save as pptx.
Can you share your not working code. It is better if you can share full code if index.js.