I've added a menu item to the AppNavigationProvider called 'Reporting'. Under AppFeatureProvider, I've added a new feature called 'Reporting'. Both the feature in the list of features and the navigation menu are displaying 'Reporting'. I've created a new edition called 'Standard + Reporting'. When I setup a new Tenant, I assign this edition to them.
My question is;
How do I restrict the menu item 'Reporting' from displaying in the Navigation if the Tenant is not assigned to the above edition? Is there a parameter in AppNavigationProvider like there is for permissions? I can't find in the documents how you implement features in the UI, only in the controller. Thanks.
.AddItem(new MenuItemDefinition(
url: "App/Reporting/Index",
icon: "fa fa-excel-o",
requiredPermissionName: AppPermissions.Pages_Tenant_Reporting,
requiredFeatureName: AppFeature.Pages_Tenant_Reporting
1 Answer(s)
Can you try this ?
requiredPermissionName: AppPermissions.Pages_Tenants, featureDependency: new SimpleFeatureDependency(true, "NameOfFeature")