We developed ASP.NET MVC application using ASPNETZERO. When we are going to test the site performance on our production server, it seems very slow. It takes 8+ seconds to load the dashboard page. We also noticed that AbpAuthorization filter takes huge amount of time to execute. Another problem, it takes around 1000ms to start the first server request.
Our similar other MVC applications take around 2/3s to load whereas this one takes 8s+.
We have tested the site using Glimpse. Here are some screenshots of Glimpse reports.
Please advise. We would like to fast the loading time.
Azir Razzak
6 Answer(s)
Thanks for reporting this.
I have createed an issue here <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero/issues/436">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero/issues/436</a>. We will also test this and if we can find someting we will fix it.There might be differences between your other project with AspNet Zero like used javascript libraries, images etc.
But definitely we will work on this issue.Thanks again.
Hi, me too having the slowness issue in my NetZero Project. But the slowness is happening at the first loading only. After that it will run smoothly.
But every page load is taking longer than usual time. How can we make it fast at the first load itself??
The issue u've created in gitHub is removed by kalkan and no solutions were suggested. -
We removed the issue from milestone 3.1 because it needs a detailed work.
You can follow this issue <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero/issues/436">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero/issues/436</a>.For speeding up the first load time, you can set your app pool's start mode to "Always Running".
It can be configured in app pool's advanced settings on IIS. -
Thanks for the tip :)
Do you know about any similar settings in azure cloud? -
Yes azure websites has a similar setting.
Go to <a class="postlink" href="https://portal.azure.com">https://portal.azure.com</a> and select your website, then go to "Application settings".
There must be a setting named "Always On" but azure says "Always On options can be enabled in Basic plans and higher".So you need to have basic or a higher plan.
Oh.. Thank you for the information :D