I have implemented Redis cache as shown below.But now on test method where it shows all the actual data on the database instead of the seed data.Because data was cached.Could you tell me how to avoid this situation? Thanks.
Note: I'm using Asp.net Zero
public async Task> GetAllBanksAsync()
var cache = RedisConnectorHelper.Connection.GetDatabase();
var values = RedisConnectorHelper.GetCache(AppConsts.Banks, cache, o => o.Name);//get cache
if (values != null) return values;
var banks = await _bankRepository.GetAllListAsync();
RedisConnectorHelper.SetCache(AppConsts.Banks, banks, cache, o => o.Name);//set cache
return new ListResultDto(banks.OrderBy(o => o.Name).MapTo>());
Test method
public async Task Test_GetAllBanksAsync()
var banks = await _bankAppService.GetAllBanksAsync();//here it shows over 7000+ records.which are on my db.But it must be just 4 records on the seed data no?
banks.Items.ShouldContain(t => t.Name == "EquiCredit Corp of NY");
Seed method
namespace My.Company.Migrations.Seed
public class InitialBanksCreator
private readonly IpDbContext _context;
public InitialBanksCreator(IpDbContext context)
_context = context;
public void Create()
var object1 = _context.Banks.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "EquiCredit Corp of NY");
if (object1 == null)
new Bank
Name = "EquiCredit Corp of NY",
TenantId = 2,
var object2 = _context.Banks.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Manufacturers & Traders Trust");
if (object2 == null)
new Bank
Name = "Manufacturers & Traders Trust",
TenantId = 2,
var object3 = _context.Banks.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Chemical Mtg Co");
if (object3 == null)
new Bank
Name = "Chemical Mtg Co",
TenantId = 2,
var object4 = _context.Banks.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == "Union Planters Bank");
if (object4 == null)
new Bank
Name = "Union Planters Bank",
TenantId = 2,
4 Answer(s)
This is a common case independent from AspNet Zero. You can find documents on the web for unit testing redis depended code.
But, if I would design the code, I wouldn't directly depend on redis, but I would use ABP's ICacheManager. Then you can use redis cache for production, memory cache for unit tests.
Yes, you're right.I'll redesign it using ICacheManager.Thanks a lot for the feedback :)
I would like to share another solution with the ABP community. If someone who has used the same kind of implementation what I have done then you can just clear the Redis cache on your development machine.After that no problem at all.Cheers ;)
Thanks @sampath :)