I am having an issue with testing if a notification is received. I have set up a unit test to but my test never completes, when I debug the test when it hits my publish method it just ends. I am passing a list of of users so it should not be anything to do with subscriptions.
My Test
public class Publisher_Tests : FooTestBase
private readonly IPublisher _notificationPublisher;
private readonly IUserNotificationManager _userNotificationManager;
public Publisher_Tests()
_notificationPublisher = Resolve();
_userNotificationManager = Resolve();
public void Publish_ShouldPublishGeneralNotification()
string notificationName = "TestGeneralNotification";
UserIdentifier userIndentifier = new UserIdentifier(1, 2);
List userIdentifiers = new List
_notificationPublisher.Publish(notificationName, userIdentifiers);
UsingDbContext(context =>
var output = _userNotificationManager.GetUserNotificationCount(userIndentifier);
My Method
public class Publisher : DomainService, IPublisher
private readonly INotificationPublisher _notificationPublisher;
public Publisher(INotificationPublisher notificationPublisher)
_notificationPublisher = notificationPublisher;
public void Publish(string notificationName, List userIdentifiers)
_notificationPublisher.Publish(notificationName, null, null, NotificationSeverity.Info, userIdentifiers.ToArray());
public async Task PublishAsync(string notificationName, List userIdentifiers)
await _notificationPublisher.PublishAsync(notificationName, null, null, NotificationSeverity.Info, userIdentifiers.ToArray());
Any help would be really appreciated.
3 Answer(s)
I believe that you'll need to to use INotificationDistributer to distribute notifications and then assert your test.
Check this [https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/blob/11f2a25119c0447b0581172cd6aa9c3ee67d916f/src/Abp/Notifications/NotificationDistributer.cs])
So when you publish notification it's going to be saved as TenantNotification and then publisher saves them as UserNotifications during actual publish. -
Thanks Chrisk,
I know the underlying NotificationPublisher uses BackgroundJobs, as well as the NotificationDistributer but not sure how I can test my interface as it will not mock the underlying class.
Thanks for your help
Hi @drsmallbone,
Thank you for sharing your code.
@Chrisk, than you for your anser.
When you publish a notification less then 5 people (see <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/blob/f10fa5205c780bcc27adfe38aaae631f412eb7df/src/Abp/Notifications/NotificationPublisher.cs#L20">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... her.cs#L20</a>), it should be distributed automatically.
Let us test this and get back to you.