I am seeking your assistance.
In the .Core project, I've added the following:
public class HostEntityBase<TPrimaryKey> : FullAuditedEntity<TPrimaryKey>, IMayHaveTenant
public virtual int? TenantId { get; set; }
public virtual string Label { get; protected set; }
public virtual string Notes { get; protected set; }
public virtual void UpdateLabel(string newLabel)
//Validate newLabel
Check.NotNull(newLabel, nameof(newLabel));
Label = newLabel;
public virtual void UpdateNotes(string newNotes)
Notes = newNotes;
protected HostEntityBase()
public class HostEntityWithIntKeyBase : HostEntityBase<int>
public class ClothingSize : HostEntityWithIntKeyBase, IMayHaveTenant
/// <summary>
/// EF
/// </summary>
protected ClothingSize()
public static ClothingSize Create(string label, string notes = null)
var clothingSize = new ClothingSize();
return clothingSize;
public interface IReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase> : IReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase, int>
public interface IReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey>
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of all available <typeparamref name="THostEntity"/> in the host
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<IReadOnlyList<THostEntityBase>> GetAsync(string filter);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a <typeparamref name="THostEntity"/> record
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task CreateAsync(THostEntityBase input);
/// <summary>
/// Adds a <typeparamref name="THostEntity"/> record
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task UpdateAsync(THostEntityBase input);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes an existing <typeparamref name="THostEntity"/> record
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task DeleteAsync(TPrimaryKey input);
public class ReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase> :
ReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase, int>,
where THostEntityBase : HostEntityBase<int>
public ReferenceDataManager(
ICacheManager cacheManager,
IRepository<THostEntityBase, int> repository,
IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager,
string cacheName = null)
: base(
public class ReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey> :
IReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey>,
where THostEntityBase : HostEntityBase<TPrimaryKey>
public string CacheName { get; private set; }
protected ICacheManager CacheManager { get; private set; }
protected IUnitOfWorkManager UnitOfWorkManager { get; private set; }
protected IRepository<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey> Repository { get; private set; }
public ReferenceDataManager(ICacheManager cacheManager,
IRepository<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey> repository,
IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager,
string cacheName = null)
UnitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager;
Repository = repository;
CacheManager = cacheManager;
CacheName = cacheName ?? GenerateDefaultCacheName();
public virtual async Task<IReadOnlyList<THostEntityBase>> GetAsync(string filter = null)
return (await GetListAsync(filter));
public virtual async Task CreateAsync(THostEntityBase input)
if ( (await GetAsync() as IReadOnlyList<THostEntityBase>)
.Any(t => t.Label.ToLower().Contains(input.Label.ToLower())))
throw new AbpException($"There is already an entity with Label = {input.Label}");
var existingEntity = (await GetAsync(input.Label));
if (existingEntity != null)
using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
await Repository.InsertAsync(input);
await UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();
public virtual async Task UpdateAsync(THostEntityBase input)
//Check the entity doesnt exist
var existingEntity = ((await GetAsync() as IReadOnlyList<THostEntityBase>)
.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Label.ToLower().Contains(input.Label.ToLower())));
if (existingEntity != null)
if (!existingEntity.Id.Equals(input.Id))
throw new AbpException($"There is already an entity with Label = {input.Label}");
using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
await Repository.UpdateAsync(existingEntity);
await UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();
public virtual async Task DeleteAsync(TPrimaryKey input)
//Get all records from cache
var existingEntity = (await GetAsync() as IReadOnlyList<THostEntityBase>).FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id.Equals(input));
if (existingEntity == null)
using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
await Repository.DeleteAsync(existingEntity.Id);
await UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SaveChangesAsync();
private async Task<List<THostEntityBase>> GetListAsync(string filter)
//Get THostEntityBase from host not any specific tenant
using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null))
return await Repository
/// <summary>
/// Prepares a dynamic filter to insert into GetAllListAsync
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filter"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Expression<Func<THostEntityBase, bool>> WithFitler(string filter)
if (filter.IsNullOrEmpty())
return (t => true);
return (t => t.Label.ToLower().Contains(filter.ToLower()) || t.Notes.ToLower().Contains(filter.ToLower()));
protected virtual string GenerateDefaultCacheName()
return GetType().FullName;
This is just a ReferenceDataManager class that can handle Reading/Updating/Deleting/Creating for all objects that inherit from HostEntityBase.
Now in the .Application project, I have the following:
public interface IClothingSizeAppService : IApplicationService
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of all available ClothingSizes in the host
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<GetClothingSizesOutput> GetClothingSizes(GetClothingSizeInput input);
/// <summary>
/// Adds or updates a clothing size record
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task CreateOrUpdateClothingSize(CreateOrUpdateClothingSizeInput input);
/// <summary>
/// Deletes an existing ClothingSize record
/// </summary>
/// <param name="input"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task DeleteClothingSize(EntityDto input);
public class ClothingSizeAppService : OnlineSystemsAppServiceBase, IClothingSizeAppService
private readonly IReferenceDataManager<ClothingSize> _clothingSizeManager;
private readonly ICacheManager _cacheManager;
private readonly IRepository<ClothingSize> _repository;
private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _unitOfWorkManager;
public ClothingSizeAppService(ICacheManager cacheManager,
IRepository<ClothingSize> repository,
IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager)
_cacheManager = cacheManager;
_repository = repository;
_unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager;
_clothingSizeManager = new ReferenceDataManager<ClothingSize>(_cacheManager, _repository, _unitOfWorkManager, "ClothingSizes");
public async Task<GetClothingSizesOutput> GetClothingSizes(GetClothingSizeInput input)
var clothingSizes = await _clothingSizeManager.GetAsync(input.Filter);
return new GetClothingSizesOutput
Items = clothingSizes.MapTo<List<ClothingSizeListDto>>()
public async Task CreateOrUpdateClothingSize(CreateOrUpdateClothingSizeInput input)
if (input.ClothingSize.Id.HasValue)
await UpdateClothingSizeAsync(input);
await CreateClothingSize(input);
public async Task DeleteClothingSize(EntityDto input)
var existingClothingSize = await _repository.GetAsync(input.Id);
if (existingClothingSize == null)
await _clothingSizeManager.DeleteAsync(input.Id);
#region Private methods
private async Task CreateClothingSize(CreateOrUpdateClothingSizeInput input)
var newClothingSize = ClothingSize.Create(input.ClothingSize.Label, input.ClothingSize.Notes);
//Check that this new clothing size doesn't exist
await CheckClothingSizeIfAlreadyExists(newClothingSize.Label);
await _clothingSizeManager.CreateAsync(newClothingSize);
private async Task UpdateClothingSizeAsync(CreateOrUpdateClothingSizeInput input)
//Check that this new clothing size doesn't exist
await CheckClothingSizeIfAlreadyExists(input.ClothingSize.Label, input.ClothingSize.Id);
var existingClothingSize = await _repository.GetAsync(input.ClothingSize.Id.Value);
await _clothingSizeManager.UpdateAsync(existingClothingSize);
private async Task CheckClothingSizeIfAlreadyExists(string label, int? expectedId = null)
var allClothingSizes = await _clothingSizeManager.GetAsync(label);
var existingClothingSize = allClothingSizes.Count > 0 ? allClothingSizes[0] : null;
if (existingClothingSize == null)
if (expectedId != null && existingClothingSize.Id == expectedId.Value)
throw new UserFriendlyException(L("ThisClothingsizeAlreadyExists", label));
The problem is in this line:
public ClothingSizeAppService(ICacheManager cacheManager,
IRepository<ClothingSize> repository,
IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager)
_cacheManager = cacheManager;
_repository = repository;
_unitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager;
_clothingSizeManager = new ReferenceDataManager<ClothingSize>(_cacheManager, _repository, _unitOfWorkManager, "ClothingSizes");
I would like to be able to inject IReferenceDataManager<ClothingSize> to the constructor.
I have also another 7 similar classes to ClothingSize and all have the same behavior and share the same object properties. So I thought of creating such a generic way of handling stuff.
Then on the ApplicationService level, I would create a new AppService per Entity.
I know that the framework is already doing it with IRepository<Entity> and others.
Can you please guide me on how to do the same in my custom code?
Many Thanks, Bilal
13 Answer(s)
In order to register generic interfaces like that, you need to register them with all possible entities. You can take a look at EfAutoRepositoryTypes here <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/blob/master/src/Abp.EntityFramework/EntityFramework/Repositories/EfAutoRepositoryTypes.cs">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... ryTypes.cs</a> and EntityFrameworkGenericRepositoryRegistrar here <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate/blob/master/src/Abp.EntityFramework/EntityFramework/Repositories/EntityFrameworkGenericRepositoryRegistrar.cs">https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/as ... gistrar.cs</a>.
Can you please explain a bit more on this code? I am not getting the idea.
Thank you.
public static class EfAutoRepositoryTypes { public static AutoRepositoryTypesAttribute Default { get; private set; } static EfAutoRepositoryTypes() { Default = new AutoRepositoryTypesAttribute( typeof(IRepository<>), typeof(IRepository<,>), typeof(EfRepositoryBase<,>), typeof(EfRepositoryBase<,,>) ); } } var autoRepositoryAttr = dbContextType.GetSingleAttributeOrNull<AutoRepositoryTypesAttribute>() ?? EfAutoRepositoryTypes.Default; foreach (var entityTypeInfo in DbContextHelper.GetEntityTypeInfos(dbContextType)) { var primaryKeyType = EntityHelper.GetPrimaryKeyType(entityTypeInfo.EntityType); if (primaryKeyType == typeof(int)) { var genericRepositoryType = autoRepositoryAttr.RepositoryInterface.MakeGenericType(entityTypeInfo.EntityType); if (!iocManager.IsRegistered(genericRepositoryType)) { var implType = autoRepositoryAttr.RepositoryImplementation.GetGenericArguments().Length == 1 ? autoRepositoryAttr.RepositoryImplementation.MakeGenericType(entityTypeInfo.EntityType) : autoRepositoryAttr.RepositoryImplementation.MakeGenericType(entityTypeInfo.DeclaringType, entityTypeInfo.EntityType); iocManager.Register( genericRepositoryType, implType, DependencyLifeStyle.Transient ); } }
Thanks, no need to explain it. I went through all the related classes and it makes perfect sense :)
Given the fact, the AbpDbContext could have an unknown number of IDbSet<T> ahead of time, this code is needed.
In my case, I just want to map IFoo<T> or IFoo<T,Z> to Foo<T> or Foo<T,Z>, so I use this code and it seems to be working fine.
private void RegisterForReferenceDataManager() { IocManager.RegisterIfNot( typeof(IReferenceDataManager<,>), typeof(ReferenceDataManager<,>), DependencyLifeStyle.Singleton); }
One question though, what's the recommendation to use Singleton or Transient? When will each be used?
In case I am registering the classes as above, do I still need to have Foo<T> implement ISingletonDependency? As I understand, this interface is used only when doing the below so that CW would know how to register an interface and implementation. Correct?
You don't need ISingletonDependency because you register it by yourself. You can use singletons for objects like cache and app-wide global variable container classes but don't take this as a alwyas true suggestion. It depends on your needs mostly.
Ok great. Thanks.
You are right, it depends. In my case, I am caching some reference data. However, this data might change, so I will invalidate the data once it changes. But as a manager, I only need a single instance from it, no need to have an instance every time it is being asked for.
Regards Bilal
You are right, if it is used for caching it should be singleton.
Hi, I am facing a big issue now with this design! I will paste the code here and tell you where the problem is.
I've highlighted in bold the method that I dunno how to proceed from now on. I followed the pattern you use in some of the classes to create a manager and using caching also.
I am stuck here and really appreciate your assistance.
Regards Bilal
public class HostEntityBase<TPrimaryKey> : FullAuditedEntity<TPrimaryKey>, IMayHaveTenant { public virtual int? TenantId { get; set; } [Required] [StringLength(HostEntityConsts.MaxLabelLength)] public virtual string Label { get; protected set; } public virtual string Notes { get; protected set; } public virtual void UpdateLabel(string newLabel) { //Validate newLabel Check.NotNull(newLabel, nameof(newLabel)); Label = newLabel; } public virtual void UpdateNotes(string newNotes) { Notes = newNotes; } } public class HostEntityWithIntKeyBase : HostEntityBase<int> { } public class ClothingSize : HostEntityWithIntKeyBase, IMayHaveTenant { /// <summary> /// EF /// </summary> protected ClothingSize() { } public static ClothingSize Create(string label, string notes = null) { var clothingSize = new ClothingSize(); clothingSize.UpdateLabel(label); clothingSize.UpdateNotes(notes); return clothingSize; } } /// <summary> /// Used to cache HostEntities /// </summary> public class HostEntityCacheItem { public const string CacheStoreName = "DrcHostEntities"; public List<HostEntityCacheItemSingle> Items { get; set; } public HostEntityCacheItem() { Items = new List<HostEntityCacheItemSingle>(); } } public class HostEntityCacheItemSingle { public object Id { get; set; } public string Label { get; set; } public string Notes { get; set; } } public static class DrcCacheManagerExtensions { public static ITypedCache<string, HostEntityCacheItem> GetHostEntityCache(this ICacheManager cacheManager) { return cacheManager.GetCache<string, HostEntityCacheItem>(HostEntityCacheItem.CacheStoreName); } } public class ReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase> : ReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase, int>, IReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase> where THostEntityBase : HostEntityBase<int> { public ReferenceDataManager( ICacheManager cacheManager, IRepository<THostEntityBase, int> repository, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager, string cacheName = null) : base( cacheManager, repository, unitOfWorkManager, cacheName) { } } public class ReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey> : IReferenceDataManager<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey>, ISingletonDependency where THostEntityBase : HostEntityBase<TPrimaryKey> { public string CacheName { get; private set; } protected ICacheManager CacheManager { get; private set; } protected IUnitOfWorkManager UnitOfWorkManager { get; private set; } protected IRepository<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey> Repository { get; private set; } public ReferenceDataManager(ICacheManager cacheManager, IRepository<THostEntityBase, TPrimaryKey> repository, IUnitOfWorkManager unitOfWorkManager, string cacheName = null) { UnitOfWorkManager = unitOfWorkManager; Repository = repository; CacheManager = cacheManager; CacheName = cacheName ?? GenerateDefaultCacheName(); } public virtual async Task<IReadOnlyList<THostEntityBase>> GetAsync() { return (await GetListAsync()); } } **[UnitOfWork] private async Task<List<THostEntityBase>> GetListAsync() { var entity = await GetListFromCacheAsync(); var instances = new List<THostEntityBase>(); foreach(HostEntityCacheItemSingle e in entity.Items) { instances.Add(new HostEntityBase<TPrimaryKey> { Id = } ); } return instances; }** [UnitOfWork] private async Task<HostEntityCacheItem> GetListFromCacheAsync() { return await CacheManager.GetHostEntityCache().GetAsync("0", async () => { //Get a list from the database var list = (await GetHostEntityFromDatabaseAsync()); var newItem = new HostEntityCacheItem(); foreach (var l in list) { newItem.Items.Add(new HostEntityCacheItemSingle { Id = l.Id, Label = l.Label, Notes = l.Notes }); } return newItem; }); } [UnitOfWork] protected async virtual Task<List<THostEntityBase>> GetHostEntityFromDatabaseAsync() { //Get THostEntityBase from host not any specific tenant using (UnitOfWorkManager.Current.SetTenantId(null)) { return await Repository .GetAllListAsync(); } }
Can you explain why this block is causing problem for you ? Or what is the problem here ? Do you get an exception ?
My problem is, I am storing in cache a class having Id of type object. Then, I am trying to map a non-generic instance to a generic-instance.
I ended up storing the HostEntityBase<T> in cache, this way, when I retrieve data I don't have to map or convert. I am not sure this is the correct way,
Can you please check if this ok or you suggest any enhancement? My only worries is that the HostEntityBase<T> has few methods and I was planning to store pure data in cache that is why I created the CacheItem above.
Thank you :)
public class HostEntityCacheItem<THostEntityBase> { public static string CacheStoreName = $"Drc{typeof(THostEntityBase).FullName.ToString()}"; public List<THostEntityBase> Items { get; set; } public HostEntityCacheItem() :this(new List<THostEntityBase>()) { } public HostEntityCacheItem(List<THostEntityBase> list) { Items = new List<THostEntityBase>(list); } } [UnitOfWork] private async Task<HostEntityCacheItem<THostEntityBase>> GetListFromCacheAsync() { return await CacheManager.GetHostEntityCache<THostEntityBase>().GetAsync(GenerateDefaultCacheKeyName(), async () => { //Get a list from the database var list = (await GetHostEntityFromDatabaseAsync()); return new HostEntityCacheItem<THostEntityBase>(list); }); }
It is better to store cache item you have defined in cache. You should be able to map a non-generic class to a generic class. This might give you an idea <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/AutoMapper/AutoMapper/issues/681">https://github.com/AutoMapper/AutoMapper/issues/681</a>.
Thanks, I didn't find the thread useful. There was no solution.
The one thing I figured out is maybe I should have defined another class that inherits from the ReferenceDataManager in my case and used concrete types something like:
public class ConcreteReferenceDataManager : ReferenceDataManager<HostEntityBase, int>
Then in this class I can implement caching since all types are known.
Problem is when I had a CacheItem with Id of type int, I was storing the cache item in Cache. But then I had to map back to a type whose Id is of type TPrimaryKey. so I guess it doesnt work like that.
I saw many examples in your code, but none tries to store a concrete object and then retrieve it as a generic object.
Maybe I should have defined the Id in CacheItem as of type TPrimaryKey, then it will work.
Please let us know the result of this,