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ApplicationService, Wcf, WcfFactory and authorization #263

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easyest created

Hey there,

My goal is to create a _Wcf_service for my IMyApplicationService. This is really easy - some annotations on IMyApplicationService, and Castle _WcfFactory_in Global.asax. The only problem - service implementation has _AbpAuthorize_attribute and service call fails. Is there any way to keep _AbpAuthorize_attributes, so that the same service implementation would be used for front-end clients and _Wcf_clients?

1 Answer(s)
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    hikalkan created
    Support Team


    You're using AbpAuthorize in an app service method and it does now work. Is that true? If so, I'll have some questions:

    1. Are you using (resolving) app service using dependency injection?
    2. Are you resolving app servicce interface instead of class. If you resolve the app service class, just make your app service method virtual.

    Also, you can share your code with us, so other people may need it.
