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Dynamic API call error #2882

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johnbool created

Hello colleagues,

Can someone suggest what could possibly be wrong... I was trying to rename some entities in the solution and cannot make it work. I constantly get a script error "abp is not defined" (please see screenshot attached). I cannot get where this stuff comes from? I understand that the API is generated dynamically but it keeps asking for 'abp' even though I have renamed every single entity related to it. Please help.

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team



    This script include generates dynamic web api scripts for you and it uses abp diretly in it.
    So you need to include ABP's necessary javascript files into your document before this script tag and it must be defined as abp in script files.

    You cannot change the name "abp" returned from "/api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll".