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Unit testing app services and automapper #2954

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liam1983 created


I try to make a unit test for one of my Services, the problem is my custom mapping didnt happen. What did I wrong? I would like to map special Sub entities to only a string.

    public class CoinListDto : FullAuditedEntityDto<Guid>
        [Range(0, Int32.MaxValue)]
        public int? Amount { get; set; }

        [Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false)]
        public string Name { get; set; }

        [Range(-2000, 9999)]
        public int Year { get; set; }

        [Range(0, Int32.MaxValue)]
        public int NominalValue { get; set; }

        public string Country { get; set; }

        public string Currency { get; set; }

in my module

public override void PostInitialize()
                mapper =>
                        mapper.CreateMap<Entities.Coin.Coin, CoinListDto>();
                        mapper.CreateMap<Entities.Coin.Coin, CoinListDto>()
                            .ForMember(dto => dto.Country, opt => opt.MapFrom(coin => coin.Country.Name));
                        mapper.CreateMap<Entities.Coin.Coin, CoinListDto>()
                            .ForMember(dto => dto.Currency, opt => opt.MapFrom(coin => coin.Currency.Name));

but when I execute the test my custom mappings dont happen

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Can you move it to PreInitialize. Also what happens when you put a breakpoint at this line ? Does it hit ?

                    mapper =>
                            mapper.CreateMap<Entities.Coin.Coin, CoinListDto>();
                            mapper.CreateMap<Entities.Coin.Coin, CoinListDto>()
                                .ForMember(dto => dto.Country, opt => opt.MapFrom(coin => coin.Country.Name));
                            mapper.CreateMap<Entities.Coin.Coin, CoinListDto>()
                                .ForMember(dto => dto.Currency, opt => opt.MapFrom(coin => coin.Currency.Name));
