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CalculateContentRootFolder Error after deployment #3013

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paradoxit created

When I call CalculateContentRootFolder in WebContentDirectoryFinder it works locally but when deployed to Azure I get the error System.ApplicationException: Could not find content root folder!

I make the call an AppService in the Application project if that helps.

Could you please advise how I resolve this? It appears the code is looking for a sln file which won't exist in the deployed version.

3 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    This method is designed for development time usage, you should not use it for production. If you can explain your case, we can try to find anotner solution.


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    shimulcse created

    I used this for getting SqlConnection to execute StoredProcedure.

    private readonly IConfigurationRoot _Configuration;
            public CargoReportAppService(ICargoHeldupLogRepository cargoHeldupLogRepository,
                ICargoReceivingInfoDetailRepository cargoReceivingInfoDetailRepository)
                _CargoHeldupLogRepository = cargoHeldupLogRepository;
                _CargoReceivingInfoDetailRepository = cargoReceivingInfoDetailRepository;
                _Configuration = AppConfigurations.Get(WebContentDirectoryFinder.CalculateContentRootFolder(), addUserSecrets: true);
    using (var dbConnection = new SqlConnection(configuration.GetConnectionString(SODMSConsts.ConnectionStringName)))
                        await dbConnection.OpenAsync();
                        cargoReceivingData = await dbConnection.QueryAsync<GetCargoReceivingReportOutput>("CargoReceivingReport",
                                                FromDate = input.FromDate.Date,
                                                ToDate = input.ToDate.Date,
                                                AccountId = (input.AccountId == 0 || input.AccountId == null) ? null : input.AccountId,
                                                DepotUnitId = (input.DepotUnitId == 0 || input.DepotUnitId == null) ? null : input.DepotUnitId
                                            commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);

    This is working fine in locally but getting error in production. Kindly suggest me other way to do that.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @shimulcse,

    You can create a custom repository and execute your SP in that custom repository. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... positories</a>