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Extend UserRole for adding one more property #3302

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sajid created

Hello there,

I want to extend existing UserStore class in my application to add one more field say SiteId. I was just looking into the ABP documentation to proceed further but I did not get clue. I found one Forum which was quiet similar to my requirement but the link mentioned in that article is not working. Following is the title and link of that Forum -

<a class="postlink" href=""> ... tion#p6892</a>

It has above link saying -
Have you seen this topic viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2872&p=6892&hilit=Location#p6892 ?

But when I click on this link, it simply redirects me to the Forum dashboard.

Can someone please guide me to the right path? Any documentation available to extend the UserStore ?

6 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    sergii created

    Not answer, just to understand, why you need SiteId field in mapping table UserRoles ?

  • User Avatar
    sajid created

    currently we have a requirement where user can have site specific roles. That's why we need it.

  • User Avatar
    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    We changed from http to https.
    Can you try this #1424 ?


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    sajid created

    Thanks for the updated link.

    Still I have few doubts in my mind. In our application, we are having some predefined roles per predefined sites to an user. Currently, in Abp we have UserRoles only. We were thinking to extend this class with SiteId. So just wanted to know how we can extend or can we extend the UserRole class for siteId ? Will it be a good approach?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @Sajid,

    You can create a new class deriving from UserRole and add new fields to it but probably it will not work for you.
    If you can explain your scenario we can understand if it fits for your case or not.


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    sajid created

    Hello ismcagdas,

    In our case we have Site(location) specific Roles. Means, one site can have multiple Roles for a specific user.

    Later on we will be having permissions as well in this context. One user can have multiple and may be same role for two different sites with different permissions. But for now, you can just take the first case which I explained above.