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Routing prevent back button #3359

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michaelhilgers created

Angular 2, Asp Core, Abp 1.5.0


I try a lot of things to prevent the back button in the browser and on a mobile phone. If I'm on a modal i'd like to prevent the back button behavior

I try using jQuery like

$(document).on('keydown', function (event) {
            if (event.keyCode == 27) {
                // Prevent default (disable the back button behavior)

                // Close the modal

And then I use

            // Add your callback here
            (event) => event.preventDefault()

But it doesn't work... the page go always to the previous page.

How can I prevent this behavior if I'm on a modal

Thanks !!

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @MichaelHilgers,

    I think this is a browser behavior, not related to angular 2. You can find a better asnwer on the web I think.
