I just downloaded the Core + Angular 4.1 to take a look.
I opened the server side aspnet-core solution, set Web.Host project as startup project and build the solution. I updated the connection string to the database in the appsettings.json file. I opened the Package Manager Console and set EntityFrameworkCore project as default project and run Update-Database command.
I was immediately met with the error:
The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Cannot find path '\asp-core\src\Akesotek.Apollo.Web.Host\obj\project.assets.json' because it does not exist.
I double checked the tutorial and don't believe I'm missing a step.
2 Answer(s)
I looked for the missing file in the original download, but that didn't help. Then I copied the Host project out of the ZIP download file over mine, reset the startup project and database connection string, and re-ran Update-Database. It worked. I'm leaving this here in case someone else gets the error.
Thanks @JustinP :).
I don't have a clue why this happend but it's good that you have a solution.