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newbie question about viewing ABP code #3536

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dparizek created

I am trying to work through the Zero code to learn. If I am in the Application project, for example, in the Auditing folder, viewing the AuditLogListDto.cs file, and I see it is using Abp.Auditing -- how would I got about seeing Abp.Auditing from within the solution in Visual Studio? or where would I look? So that I can go look at how the underling AuditLog model is structured?

sorry if this is a dumb question, I am new to Microsoft ASP.NET and Visual Studio world.

3 Answer(s)
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    alirizaadiyahsi created


    Aspnet zero is using ABP Framework that is an open source project. You can download and look its code. Here is the source: Aspnet Boilerplate Framework

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    dparizek created

    @ alirizaadiyahsi Thank you!

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    alirizaadiyahsi created

    You are wellcome.