Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "dparizek"


I also was not able to get the suggested solution to work and also stopped on development because of it.

I am confused on directions from Mitch. Currently Aspnetzero Angular solution is using .NET Core 3.1.

I cannot find 2.2.0 even available for download... where did folks download from?

Then it says run on cmd (I assume run on the cmd line... or reinstall power tools.. so if we reinstall power tools we can ignore need to run that line?

If we install 2.2 then do we need to go back to installing 3.1 for the angular/core solution overall?

Seconded on is it possible to revert to older versions of Power Tools somehow? My projects on hold pending resolution here.

I have same problem... one error I am seeing is I get that it cannot access the configuration file - that it is in use by another process.. specifically System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.dll in the AspNetZeroRadTool folder

Using ASP.NET Core & Angular latest version 9.1.0, with Power Tools version 2.6.1

In Visual Studio 2019, go to Tools->Asp.netZero->Create Entity

Go to Add New Navigation Property

Under Select Your Entity choose BinaryObject {project.Storage} Guid

Then under Display Property there are no choices available, and you cannot select OK because then it asks you to choose a Display Property.

Where is the recommended place to submit feature requests? Here or GitHub issues? or where?


I have an automatic UoW that is failing based on checking thus:

_unitOfWorkManager.Current.Failed += (sender, args) => { Debug.WriteLine("UoW Failed"); };

How would I go about debugging that - ultimately I get a 500 error back on the Angular side but how do I debug why the transaction if failing?

Any advice appreciated!!!

@maliming Thank YOU!!!!!


Just wondering about the new Webhook feature in latest new release... where should I go to read more about it?

I want to use this spinner control from Metronic in Angular 1 solution:

So I have this in my .cshtml:

  <button type="button"  ng-click="vm.delete()" class="btn btn-success mt-ladda-btn ladda-button" data-style="expand-up" data-size="l">
            <span class="ladda-label">Delete Only</span>
            <span class="ladda-spinner"></span><div class="ladda-progress" style="width: 0px;"></div>

and do I need to add scripts for Ladda or would they already be included with Metronic scripts? Best practice place/folder in project to add them if necessary?

And best practice usage in Angular? Metronic only gives the markup.

Basically I am looking for some direction on best approach to using the Metronic components in general in Angular ASP.NET ZERO.

Any guide or suggestions?

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