When I run the api host it goes to <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:22742/">http://localhost:22742/</a> and showing a blank page. If I manually goes to <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:22742/swagger/ui/index.html">http://localhost:22742/swagger/ui/index.html</a> the page looks like the picture in the attachment. What can be wrong? I have followed the steps in the setup document (<a class="postlink" href="https://www.aspnetzero.com/Documents/Getting-Started-Angular">https://www.aspnetzero.com/Documents/Ge ... ed-Angular</a>) I have never used Swagger before. Do I need to install something to get the Swagger page to show as in the doc?
5 Answer(s)
Must have been something wrong with the package. When I downloaded a new package without merged Angular UI and selected Core instead of 4.6.1, it works fine.
Your first post; browse http://localhost:22742/swagger/ to see swagger.
Hi @affern,
I assume you had this problem in merged solution. Normally, HomeController in Host project redirects you to swagger ui.
But in merged solution, we remove HomeController to host angular-ui as the root url of merged solution. So, this is expected in merged solution.
Ok, thanks!
I have one more question. I have downloaded the .NetCore 1.1 framework, so my project don't have SignalR. I will need a solution for push-messages for mobil devices, but maybe not before 7-8 months. Do you recommend to download the.Net Framework 4.6.1 version instead, or do you think I can wait for upgrade version in the future?
Best regards, Jan
I'm copying our email answer to same question:
We expect that Microsoft will complete SignalR for AspNet Core in that time. If you need a cross-platform solution, you can go with .net core 1.1+. It's relatively easy to change to .net framework 4.6.1 in the future if you have other problems with .net core.