Hello, I added a migration, then requested to update the database. Tables were created successfully, but the seed data was not executed.
Then I noticed that the tables were created but missing my columns (i.e. properties).
In my case I have around 10 classes that share the same structure. Each class represents an entity that is used as reference data.
So I created a base class having those 2 properties and made those classes inheirt from that class. Something as this:
public class HostEntityBase<TPrimaryKey> : FullAuditedEntity<TPrimaryKey>
public string Label { get; private set; }
public virtual string Notes { get; private set; }
public void UpdateLabel(string newLabel)
//Validate newLabel
Check.NotNull(newLabel, nameof(newLabel));
Label = newLabel;
public virtual void UpdateNotes(string newNotes)
Notes = newNotes;
public HostEntityBase()
public HostEntityBase(string label, string notes)
Then each class inherits from this base and calls its constructor.
In the previous version (MVC 5/Angular js) it was working fine. But now with EF Core seems not to work. No columns were added on the tables?
Also, when I ran the app, the Seed ran. Where is that configured to do so? Usually, with update-database the Seed would run.
3 Answer(s)
Hi @bilalhaidar,
EF Core does not have seed functon yet. I don't know if 2.0 has it or not because it is just released and I couldn't follow it. So, we moved seed method to application startup.
I don't have any clue why your migration didn't work. Have you checked EF Core's github repository for that ?
I did some clean up for the migrations. I noticed something that when I run the application the data is seeded, is that by design?