I have built a new app service that I intend for the tenants to use to create a new object. I have also seeded the database for the default tenant with several objects to test and ensure the service. However, when I write a test, I get an error and the test fails.
Message: System.InvalidOperationException : Mapper not initialized. Call Initialize with appropriate configuration. If you are trying to use mapper instances through a container or otherwise, make sure you do not have any calls to the static Mapper.Map methods, and if you're using ProjectTo or UseAsDataSource extension methods, make sure you pass in the appropriate IConfigurationProvider instance.
Since this is a template, what is the procedure for testing tenant services?
3 Answer(s)
Hi @JustinP,
Probably your problem is same with #3097@1f810ef6-7cd5-4b67-a512-b037a7a77cb3. Can you check that ?
Thanks, and I do see what you are saying. If I'm returning a Dto, it should be checked against a Dto. In fact, I don't care as long as the collection isn't empty.
//Act ListResultDto<PatientListDto> patients = _patientAppService.GetPatients(new GetPatientInput()); //Assert patients.Items.Count.ShouldBeGreaterThan(0);
Message: System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not load the specified file.
What I'm saying is, you should use: ObjectMapper.Map<Entity>(input); instead of using input.MapTo. Have you tried that ?