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Redirect to error page when no db or server is found #3788

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carelearning created

if the database or database server specified in the connection strings of the web.config file cannot be found, we would like to redirect to a more graceful error page. The error will first appear for us in global.asax.cs > Session_Start > RestoreUserLanguage.

I can trap the error by doing something like this inside a try-catch

SqlConnection connection =
                    new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Tenant"].ConnectionString);

: if this fails, then I would like to redirect/transsfer/execute something to get to a Error/NoDb. I have an ErrorController.cs with this view, but cannot figure out if it is possible to get there because the database does not exist. Is this possible with ABP.Net Zero?

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @careLearning,

    There is nothing special to ABP Framework and AspNet Zero about this. You can try to use ABP's global exception event <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ptionEvent</a> or you can do it just like in another ASP.NET project.
