Hello. I think this framework is nice, but I really miss an Angular public front/home page in the solution that use same header as the app solution. I have read the post where you suggest to create a public site from a copy of the account app, but I'm not able to insert the Header component. Is there anyone here who has done this before or who can tell me how I do this?
4 Answer(s)
Hi @affern,
I assume you want to create a public angular app as well with logged in user information on the top bar like we have in admin section, is that correct ?
If this is your need, you can move header component to another module (maybe shared module) and then you can use it in both admin and your public module.
Thank you for answer. Yes, this is what I want. I will try this :)
I must be missing something. I am confused. There is an Angular version of the public website? I have not seen that....
<cite>godrunner: </cite> I must be missing something. I am confused. There is an Angular version of the public website? I have not seen that....
No, there is not. I wish it was. That's why I have started to create one myself.