When we deploy our site on iis with *.Web.Host appsettings.json:
"App": {
"ServerRootAddress": "http://www.domainname.com/SubDirectory/",
"ClientRootAddress": "http://www.domainname.com/SubDirectory/",
"CorsOrigins": "http://www.domainname.com/SubDirectory/"
without /SubDirectory/
thanks in advance
17 Answer(s)
Does your angular app's configuration contains "/SubDirectory" for appBaseUrl ?
<cite>ismcagdas: </cite>
Hi @DFIELEC,Does your angular app's configuration contains "/SubDirectory" for appBaseUrl ?
Hello, yes, it contains.
We actually haven't tested hosting AspNet Zero Angular2 UI in a sbudirectory.
Now I have tested it and it does not work by default.First, you need to publish your angular app like this, <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/4570#issuecomment-279050299">https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/ ... -279050299</a>.
Then you need to change <base href="/"> to <base href="/subdirectory">.
Also, loading the files under assets folder (appconfig.json & localized scripts) are not working, you need to add a subfolder prefix to them as well in your code.
Hi !
I have a similar problem when deploying my angular + core 2 web app (v5.0.4) to IIS.
dotnet core 2 api app is ok. it starts automaticaly when I browse it.
my customer want all his web apps on the same web server each in its sub directory under wwwroot.
I followed what is recommanded in this thread with no luck.
Building the app :
ng build --env=prod --deploy-url=RapproDab/
updated base href to /Rapprodab then got these errors :
[attachment=2:1jq6wi6a]pic01.png[/attachment:1jq6wi6a]Then I replace all occurences of "RapproDab" in index.html file from "RapproDab/inline.bundle.js" to "./inline.bundle.js".
which lead me to this :
in the chrome console,
This time I'm locked. No idea of what to do to resolve these errors.
Please help.
Hi @abdourahmani,
There were some problems hosting AspNet Zero under a sub website, we have fixed it in this issue <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-core/issues/740">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-ze ... issues/740</a>.
You can implement changes in this issue to your project. Related commit contains the fix both for ASP.NET Core & jQuery and ASP.NET Core & Angular projects, so you need to ignore some of the changes.
After that, publish your app like this:
ng --prod --base-href "RapproDab"
Hi !
Here is what I got after applying the updates
Could it be IIS config issues ? This is my first web app !
@abdourahmani, can you share a screenshot of your published app directory for angular ?
Hi !
Here is the IIS directory structure on server :
[attachment=2:2qszsg8w]IIS Directories.png[/attachment:2qszsg8w]
Inside RapproDab, copied from dist.
Inside assets :
Another point : If, as resqueted, I run
ng --prod --base-href "RapproDab"
I've got this error message
The specified command --prod is invalid. For available options, see `ng help`.
ng build --env=prod --base-href "RapproDab"
runs to completion.
@abdourahmani sorry it's my mistake, correct usage is "ng build --prod ...".
So, is that solved your problem ? If not, we can arrange a remote meeting to understand your problem better. -
No, the problem is not solved. How can we setup this meeting ?
Please, When is this meeting for ?
@abdourahmani please send an email to <a href="mailto:info@aspnetzero.com">info@aspnetzero.com</a> in order to arrange the meeting time.
@ ismcagdas,
I'm completely lost. 3 days I'm stuck on this issue. And the way you handle my requests is really frustating.
I've sent the mail for the remote meeting and still no reaction.
isn't there someone else who can help ?
Problem solved by upgrading to AspZero v5.1.0 and adding
Best regards,
Abdourahmani -
Hi @abdourahmani, I'm glad that you have solved your problem.
Actually I have waited twice (monday and tuesday) for your response to connect to your computer but probably you forgot about our meetings.Anyway, happy coding :)
We will try to serve you better next time. -
Hi !
I also waited for you on these days. But I dont know how to get in touch with you.
When I post a message, because of time difference (my local time is UTC+1) I only get a response the next day.what should I have to do to be available to you, next time ?
Abdourahmani -
@abdourahmani most of the time we are trying to answer questions in the same day.
For such kind of remote support, you can send email to <a href="mailto:info@aspnetzero.com">info@aspnetzero.com</a>.