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i want to use ABP/Zero Class on Webpages project... #4125

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herbertmilhomme created

I want to use the ABP/Zero Class(.dll) on a webpages project, minus all the "great perks" of MVC, is that possible? and is there a special way to go about it?

Don't need to pick a war on apples versus oranges, and why all developers should confirm to "newer" technology. Just want to produce something simple, that utilizes all the same tools and components. (No, MVC is not "simpler", and neither is the ABP project --again, apples vs oranges).

Will it still function the same? Will i have to perform some salem ritual? Do i need sacrifice any virgins? Where can i still find virgins to perform sacrifice?

Just looking for yes or no answers here, followed by a short and to the point guide of all that i need to do. We've all heard the discussions on preferences that each developer has, and why they make their preferred decisions. Can anybody help me out here, or will i need to re-write the github repository for ABP in order for it to function without the MVC framework? (I thought all .NETs were supposed to communicate with each other, regardless of platform)

1 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @herbertmilhomme,

    Actually we haven't tried ABP & Module Zero with WebPages, you need to try and see it by yourself.
