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IConfigurationRoot for AngularAppUrl and Custom Email Sender #4168

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khai created


I am trying to config two things which are relevant to IConfigurationRoot to get config inside AppSettings.json.

  1. I want to inject IConfiguration to file AngularAppUrlService.cs. However, those fields are read-only therefore I cannot assign new value to it.

  2. I implement new class for Email Sender Service and I put it outside ASPNETZero Sourcecode. However, I cannot inject IConfigurationRoot to my class. I got this error.

Please help me to archive this. Thank you

7 Answer(s)
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @Khai,

    Sorry for the delay, we have missed your question somehow.

    1. You canfirst add setters for those fields in AppUrlServiceBase:
    public abstract string EmailActivationRoute { get; set; }

    Then you can change the fields in AngularAppUrlService like this:

    public override string EmailActivationRoute { get; set; }

    After all, you can set the fields. I suggest you to create an Init method for AppUrlServiceBase and do it in that method instead of it's constructor.

    1. You need to define a module for your class library and depend on the module which contains IConfigurationRoot. Or instead of injecting IConfigurationRoot, you can simply use
    IConfigurationRoot  _appConfiguration = AppConfigurations.Get(
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    khai created

    For the first question, after I added setter to both of the override fields, I see that the instance of AppUrlService is NullAppUrlService and I cannot use it. Please help me to figure out that.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @Khai,

    So, your project builds but is this happening on runtime ? If so, can you share your AppUrlServiceBase, AngularAppUrlService, MvcAppUrlService and NullAppUrlService ?


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    khai created

    Hello, these are my files.

    1. AppUrlServiceBase

    public abstract class AppUrlServiceBase : IAppUrlService, ITransientDependency
            public abstract string EmailActivationRoute { get; set; }
            public abstract string PasswordResetRoute { get; set; }
            protected readonly IWebUrlService WebUrlService;
            protected readonly ITenantCache TenantCache;
            protected AppUrlServiceBase(IWebUrlService webUrlService, ITenantCache tenantCache, IConfigurationRoot appConfigurationRoot)
                WebUrlService = webUrlService;
                TenantCache = tenantCache;
            private void Initialize(IConfigurationRoot appConfigurationRoot)
                EmailActivationRoute = appConfigurationRoot["WebUIConfig:EmailActivationRoute"];
                PasswordResetRoute = appConfigurationRoot["WebUIConfig:PasswordResetRoute"];
            public string CreateEmailActivationUrlFormat(int? tenantId)
                return CreateEmailActivationUrlFormat(GetTenancyName(tenantId));
            public string CreatePasswordResetUrlFormat(int? tenantId)
                return CreatePasswordResetUrlFormat(GetTenancyName(tenantId));
            public string CreateEmailActivationUrlFormat(string tenancyName)
                var activationLink = WebUrlService.GetSiteRootAddress(tenancyName).EnsureEndsWith('/') + EmailActivationRoute + "?userId={userId}&confirmationCode={confirmationCode}";
                if (tenancyName != null)
                    activationLink = activationLink + "&tenantId={tenantId}";
                return activationLink;
            public string CreatePasswordResetUrlFormat(string tenancyName)
                var resetLink = WebUrlService.GetSiteRootAddress(tenancyName).EnsureEndsWith('/') + PasswordResetRoute + "?userId={userId}&resetCode={resetCode}";
                if (tenancyName != null)
                    resetLink = resetLink + "&tenantId={tenantId}";
                return resetLink;
            private string GetTenancyName(int? tenantId)
                return tenantId.HasValue ? TenantCache.Get(tenantId.Value).TenancyName : null;

    2. AngularAppUrlService

    public class AngularAppUrlService : AppUrlServiceBase
            public override string EmailActivationRoute { get; set; }
            public override string PasswordResetRoute { get; set; }
            public AngularAppUrlService(
                    IConfigurationRoot appConfigurationRoot,
                    IWebUrlService webUrlService,
                    ITenantCache tenantCache
                ) : base(

    3. MvcAppUrlService (I don't see this file)

    4. NullAppUrlService

    public class NullAppUrlService : IAppUrlService
            public static IAppUrlService Instance { get; } = new NullAppUrlService();
            private NullAppUrlService()
            public string CreateEmailActivationUrlFormat(int? tenantId)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public string CreatePasswordResetUrlFormat(int? tenantId)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public string CreateEmailActivationUrlFormat(string tenancyName)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
            public string CreatePasswordResetUrlFormat(string tenancyName)
                throw new NotImplementedException();
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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team


    Actually, I wanted you to add a public Initialize method like this:

    public abstract class AppUrlServiceBase : IAppUrlService, ITransientDependency
        public abstract string EmailActivationRoute { get; set; }
        public abstract string PasswordResetRoute { get; set; }
        protected readonly IWebUrlService WebUrlService;
        protected readonly ITenantCache TenantCache;
        IConfigurationRoot _appConfigurationRoot;
        protected AppUrlServiceBase(IWebUrlService webUrlService, ITenantCache tenantCache, IConfigurationRoot appConfigurationRoot)
            WebUrlService = webUrlService;
            TenantCache = tenantCache;
            _appConfigurationRoot = appConfigurationRoot;
        public void Initialize()
            EmailActivationRoute = _appConfigurationRoot["WebUIConfig:EmailActivationRoute"];
            PasswordResetRoute = _appConfigurationRoot["WebUIConfig:PasswordResetRoute"];
        public string CreateEmailActivationUrlFormat(int? tenantId)
            return CreateEmailActivationUrlFormat(GetTenancyName(tenantId));
        public string CreatePasswordResetUrlFormat(int? tenantId)
            return CreatePasswordResetUrlFormat(GetTenancyName(tenantId));
        public string CreateEmailActivationUrlFormat(string tenancyName)
            var activationLink = WebUrlService.GetSiteRootAddress(tenancyName).EnsureEndsWith('/') + EmailActivationRoute + "?userId={userId}&confirmationCode={confirmationCode}";
            if (tenancyName != null)
                activationLink = activationLink + "&tenantId={tenantId}";
            return activationLink;
        public string CreatePasswordResetUrlFormat(string tenancyName)
            var resetLink = WebUrlService.GetSiteRootAddress(tenancyName).EnsureEndsWith('/') + PasswordResetRoute + "?userId={userId}&resetCode={resetCode}";
            if (tenancyName != null)
                resetLink = resetLink + "&tenantId={tenantId}";
            return resetLink;
        private string GetTenancyName(int? tenantId)
            return tenantId.HasValue ? TenantCache.Get(tenantId.Value).TenancyName : null;

    Then, you can use it when you inject IAppUrlService (also add Initialize method to interface as well).

    But, the thing I don't understand is, do you have a build error or runtime error ?

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    khai created

    Hello, The error appears at runtime (it means I can compile it successfully). Is that a bug?

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Hi @Khai,

    I haven't tried this code in runtime but it is not designed to work this way initially. Can you share the runtime exception message ?