Has anyone come across this issue?
Unable to create new Tenants in release mode. When I put the app in release mode I get a 500 Internal server error when creating new tenants. Also I cannot create new tenants when I deploy to Azure (Likely because it's deployed in release mode.)
4 Answer(s)
Yes, this is also happening when you attempt to create a demo from the <a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetzero.com/">https://aspnetzero.com/</a> homepage:
Could not made request to <a class="postlink" href="http://demo.aspnetzero.com/api/services/app/tenant/CreateTenant">http://demo.aspnetzero.com/api/services ... eateTenant</a>! StatusCode: InternalServerError, ReasonPhrase: Internal Server Error
It is because of a problem in Abp.MailKit.
We are releasing ABP v3.2.5, please upgrada your nuget packages and see if it is working for you. -
There is still an error occurring on the <a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetzero.com/">https://aspnetzero.com/</a> website when users attempt to create a demo site.
@tcon , we will update our website today.
We had another problem which was blocking the release of AspNet Zero v5.0.4 and we fixed it now.