Hello team,
I am very new to Xamarin and want to test it out on your framework. I am trying to create a simple page.. I managed to show out the link on the side menu, however clicking on the link does nothing. May I know which steps I have missed out?
First I added a new content page to in Mobile.Shared Views Folder
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
Title="{Binding Title}">
<Label Text="Welcome to Xamarin.Forms!"
HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
<behaviors:EventHandlerBehavior EventName="Appearing">
<behaviors:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding PageAppearingCommand}" />
public partial class BarcodeSearchView : ContentPage
public BarcodeSearchView ()
InitializeComponent ();
Then I added a new file in Mobile.Shared ViewModels Folder
public class BarcodeSearchViewModel : XamarinViewModel
public string Title => L.Localize("Barcode Search");
public BarcodeSearchViewModel()
Then I added a new Navigation Menu Item
private readonly ObservableRangeCollection<NavigationMenuItem> _menuItems = new ObservableRangeCollection<NavigationMenuItem>
new NavigationMenuItem
Title = L.Localize("Tenants"),
Icon = "Tenants.png",
ViewType = typeof(TenantsView),
RequiredPermissionName = PermissionKey.Tenants,
new NavigationMenuItem
Title = L.Localize("Users"),
Icon = "UserList.png",
ViewType = typeof(UsersView),
RequiredPermissionName = PermissionKey.Users,
new NavigationMenuItem
Title = "Search Barcodes",
Icon = "UserList.png",
ViewType = typeof(BarcodeSearchView),
/*This is a sample menu item to guide how to add a new item.
,new NavigationMenuItem
Title = "Sample View",
Icon = "MyIcon.png",
TargetType = typeof(_SampleView),
Order = 10
What steps did I miss out so I can navigate to my page? Thank you.
6 Answer(s)
Hello, I had managed to do it, I needed to inherit IXamarinView inside my BarcodeSearchView class.. now the page loads properly.
Thanks @soonjoo,
We are also preparing a step by step development guide for Xamarin. Probably, it will be ready next week.
thank you, looking forward to that!
btw you can copy-paste _SampleView.xaml and _SampleViewModel.cs classes to add a new page. It's easier.
Thank you, I will try that.
I am trying to add a barcode scanner onto my page. However, the Abp Xamarin framework is much different from the tutorials, and it's very hard for me who is very new to this. A little guidance is very appreciated.
This is the barcode scanner I plan to integrate, <a class="postlink" href="https://blog.xamarin.com/barcode-scanning-made-easy-with-zxing-net-for-xamarin-forms/">https://blog.xamarin.com/barcode-scanni ... rin-forms/</a>
They said to create a Scanner Page I just need 2 lines of code.
var scanPage = new ZXingScannerPage (); // Navigate to our scanner page await Navigation.PushAsync (scanPage);
I can see MenuProvider which allows me to add new menu items, and NavigationService which does the pushing and popping. However, how do I add this in using the current menu provider?
also, to get the results?
scanPage.OnScanResult += (result) => { // Stop scanning scanPage.IsScanning = false; // Pop the page and show the result Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread (async () => { await Navigation.PopAsync (); await DisplayAlert("Scanned Barcode", result.Text, "OK"); }); };
Thank you
Hello team,
I have managed to do it, and it successfully calls the barcode scanner and gets the result of the scan! I had to create an overloaded method for Navigation Service Set Detail Page Async, to accept page instead of just a viewType, then I would pass in the scanner into that page. After it completes the scan, it will pop the page back out. Thank you.
private async Task ScanBarcodeAsync() { var scanPage = new ZXingScannerPage(); await NavigationService.SetDetailPageAsync(scanPage, null, true); scanPage.OnScanResult += (scanResult) => { // Stop scanning scanPage.IsScanning = false; // Pop the page and show the result Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async () => { await NavigationService.GoBackAsync(); BarcodeText = scanResult.Text; await SearchBarcodeAsync(); }); }; }