Hi in abp When I delete record its soft delete by default, because it FullAuditedEntity inherits from ISoftDelete, Is it possible to implement hard deleted anyway?
One solution I thought that not to use FullAuditedEntity in the model class, but I will lose AuditedEntity<TPrimaryKey>, IFullAudited, IAudited, ICreationAudited, IHasCreationTime, IModificationAudited, IHasModificationTime, IDeletionAudited feature.
Or shall I have an abstract class similar to abstract class FullAuditedEntity<TPrimaryKey> and not inherit from, IHasDeletionTime, ISoftDelete?
Please provide your suggestions.
3 Answer(s)
you can disable SoftDelete filter. for more info <a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents/Data-Filters#DocSoftDelete">https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Doc ... SoftDelete</a>
using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.SoftDelete)) { ...
Following code is useful in only to retrieve the deleted records. Not to hard delete the records from the table.
If let's say I implement hard delete using SQL in custom repository.
But Do we have some mechanism to implement audit tables? So for example, If I want to get the information of deleted rows from the table. So If I have some audit table and I make an entry for every action like insert, update and delete in this audit table. Then I can easily get all the history of respective table.
Hi @ManojReddy,
You can also check this answer #1262@bdddb0a5-7f84-448e-a584-a913d1424ad1 if you don't want to use raw sql for hard delete.