Hi, It looks like I'm mistaken in defining the .TS or .Html files or in the call its. How can I track the error in client side code? I know that the entity's methods defined on the server side are completely correct. But I do not know how to trace and debug the client side!
8 Answer(s)
Hi @ramezani583,
could you share some code that related these errors? And also did you check *.Host/App_Data/Logs/Logs.txt ?
hi, I corrected some of the problems, but I can not bind data to the grid. And I can not find the problem. I tried to implement (Province.component.html,Province.component.ts) such as Usersforms(users.component.html, users.component.ts).
I have attached the relevant codes.
Of course I know that this problem is not related to Abp and is related to Angular, but I'm glad to help me. thanks. main.rar
It seems there is no problem with your code. Are you sure your refresh service proxies after added new application services to *.Application project? I mean did you run /angular/nswag/refresh.bat?
I've run, but the problem has notbeen resolved!
Is this startead to happend after you add Province.component.html,Province.component.ts ? If so, can you share those files ?
yes, this is startead to happend after i add Province.component.html,Province.component.ts. this files are attached in main.rar
Server and client-side files are attached. ServerSideCode.rar ClientSideCode.rar
the console error "Can't bind to 'value' since it isn't a known property of 'p-dataTable'." says that You didn't seem to import the PrimeNG DataTableModule.
<a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/primefaces/primeng/issues/1271">https://github.com/primefaces/primeng/issues/1271</a>