I try to modify the public website to create a landing page for my product , by discovering the code i found that there is a possibility to make the public web site dynamic => every tenant can have a landing page (i already develop this in the angular asp.net core version : #4601@daf523c7-0c04-41dd-86ad-a887f001f172 but it's not a good option for me )
So to do this i need to identify the current tenant by the URl (TenantResolver) and get the related data for the tenant to show in his landing Page : call the AppService by jquery to get Data or just call a method directly from the public website controller ?
Is that possible ?
Thank you in advance.
5 Answer(s)
@simedbn, when you resolve a tenant and set TenantId on the AbpSession, all data must be filtered (IMayHaveTenant & IMustHaveTenant entities) automatically in the public website. Are you having a problem about it ? If so, we can try to help.
Thank you.
I'm not yet begin developing , i need just to know if creating the Public Web Site as a MultiTenant WebSite is possible or not ?
is it possible ?
Hi @simedbn, it is possible.
when you resolve a tenant and set TenantId on the AbpSession, all data must be filtered
@ alirizaadiyahsi Thank you ^^.