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Changing branding color #4712

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clusterkiller created


I tried do change the purple brand-color without success.
I did:
added "$m--brand-color: #183E7D !default;" to the file: Web.Mvc\wwwroot\metronic\src\sass\framework_config.scss

and additional I changed "$m--state-colors: ( primary: ( base: #183E7D,"

But all of this without success (sure I runned GULP before).

Is this the wrong position to change the branding ?

How should I change for example the color of the header ? (add a own file to /wwwroot/Common/Styles ?)

Thank you for your suggestions.

Best regards

2 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    bbakermmc created

    You cant easily. They dont run the metronic builds

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    @BBakerMMC is right, you need to build metronic if you want to change the color.