I am using Core+Angular version 5.1.0. Usually, I build APIs by adding a Service class inheritance from AppServiceBase. APIs built in this way only handle JSON content type, I guess. Now, I need to provide a POST API for 3rd party. It must accept input and return object with content-type other than JSON, such as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Can you advise how to specify other content type in service class, or any other approach with ASP.NET Zero?
6 Answer(s)
@fguo you can create a Controller in your Web project. It will be served as API as well.
I tried that. I created an Controller in Web.Core/Controllers, but I have to inherit ControllerBase, otherwise it cannot be routed, and popup error while the swagger opens. If I inherit ControllerBase, the input header as "--header 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json'", no mater how I manually set the content-type. Here is my test code:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Twilio.AspNet.Mvc; using Twilio.Rest.Api.V2010.Account; using Twilio.TwiML; using Twilio.TwiML.Messaging; namespace SNet.Web.Controllers { [Route("api/[controller]/[action]")] public class SmsController : SNetControllerBase { private TwilioController m_del; public static implicit operator TwilioController(SmsController type) { return (type.m_del); } [HttpPost] [Produces("text/xml")] public TwiMLResult ReceiveSms([FromBody] MessageResource request) { HttpContext.Response.Headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml"; HttpContext.Request.Headers["Content-Type"] = "text/xml"; var messagingResponse = new MessagingResponse(); messagingResponse.Message("The Robots are coming! Head for the hills!"); return new TwilioController().TwiML(messagingResponse); //m_del.TwiML(messagingResponse);//m_del always null } } }
I just tried to build an .NET app from scratch. The similar Controller works:
using System.Web.Mvc; using Twilio.AspNet.Mvc; using Twilio.TwiML; namespace TwilioReceiver.Controllers { public class SmsController : TwilioController { [HttpPost] public TwiMLResult Index() { var messagingResponse = new MessagingResponse(); messagingResponse.Message("Testing..."); return TwiML(messagingResponse); } } }
This API is for 3rd party Twilio to callback. I have to follow Twilio's requirement on input and return type. I wonder how to merge this controller into ASPNETZero package. Can you advise me some thing more?
you have two options
1- The Xml formatters are not added by default. You need to include the package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Xml which has XmlSerializerInputFormatter, XmlSerializerOutputFormatter, XmlDataContractSerializerInputFormatterand XmlDataContractSerializerOutputFormatter
2- Set return type of your method to ActionResultand serialize the TwiMLResultclass to string. so when you return this string it must definitely work.
We use actionresult with twilio and have no issues.
I think they finally released a helper nuget that works with .netcore 2.0 But we just created a DTO
[DontWrapResult] [RequiresFeature(AppFeatures.Twilio)] public async Task<IActionResult> InboundRequestWithAccountSId(TwilioRequestDTO input) { if (!CheckFeatureValue(input.AccountSid, AppFeatures.Twilio_AccountSId)) { Logger.Error(string.Format("{0} accountsid provided, expected {1}", input.AccountSid, FeatureChecker.GetValue(AppFeatures.Twilio_AccountSId))); throw new UserFriendlyException("Key not valid."); } if (input.NumMedia.HasValue && input.NumMedia > 0) AddAttachments(input); await Create(input, Direction.Inbound, Method.Twilio); return EmptyResponse(); }
Thank you! I just tried installing Twilio.AspNet.Core. It works! Here is my test controller code:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Twilio.AspNet.Common; using Twilio.AspNet.Core; using Twilio.TwiML; namespace Project.Web.Controllers { [Route("api/[controller]/[action]")] public class SmsController : ProjectControllerBase { [HttpPost] public TwiMLResult ReceiveSms(SmsRequest request) { var messagingResponse = new MessagingResponse(); messagingResponse.Message("The Robots: " + request.Body); return new TwiMLResult(messagingResponse); } } }
It's nice to use Twilio.AspNet.Common.SmsRequest. I can get all info from Twilio by this type.
I also tried to merge the above "ReceiveSms" method into /api/services which is ultimately derived from "AbpServiceBase". It does NOT work there. I cannot use "SmsRequest" as input type. The workaround is using string type of input, such as:
public TwiMLResult ReceiveSms(string from, string body){}
Do you have any idea how to use Twilio type "SmsRequest" as input here?
At least, I got a workaround. Thank you very much!!