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Wanted: shortcut to get to "ASP.NET Zero Support" forum, #4846

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TimMackey created

When I click the Home icon I see the board index. The box below says "This board has no forums.". Then there are the statistics. I am subscribed to the "ASP.NET Zero Support" forum.

At present I must select "View your posts" from the "search" dropdown. Then at the bottom of that page select the "ASP.NET Zero Support" forum in the "Jump to:" list, then click "Go". Whew! All that just to get to the "New Topic" button.

3 Answer(s)
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    faisalalam created

    I hate to use the forum site too. There are many many confusing links, and broken or unauthorized link. aspnet zero team never use this site as user, they use as author or admin. So they have no idea the experience we go through. :)

    Anyway - use this page as index page - <a class="postlink-local" href="">viewforum.php?f=5</a>

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    bbakermmc created

    Agree, forums should be dropped and just use GitHub and/or stackoverflow. It seems like alot of the same basic questions asked over and over again like "How do I publish to Azure".

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    aaron created
    Support Team

    Here's what the different platforms are for*:

    • GitHub: Bug reports ("I know something's wrong"), Feature requests ("this would be great for everyone, not just me")

    • Forum: Support requests ("why is it not working"), Implementation requests ("how to use this") specific to ASP.NET Zero

    • Stack Overflow: Implementation requests about ASP.NET Boilerplate framework, Dependency injection, C# syntax, etc. In addition, the problem with only using...

    • GitHub: every subscriber will be emailed for every issue :( and every comment on every issue :(

    • Stack Overflow: other SO users can vote to close your question :( or you may get downvotes :(

    It seems like alot of the same basic questions asked over and over again like "How do I publish to Azure".

    Honestly, it's the same problem on GitHub and Stack Overflow. It's not a problem with the platform.