Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "TimMackey"

Sucuri Labs is listing my website as a security threat.

There is a statement in file 'polyfills.ts':

// This file includes polyfills needed by Angular 2 and is loaded before
// the app. You can add your own extra polyfills to this file.

I have been running my app with no issue with polyfill commented out in index.html (the entire block commented out)

   <!-- <script
            selector: '#tinymce',
            inline: true
    <script src="node_modules/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"></script>
    <script src="/node_modules/@dimakorotkov/tinymce-mathjax/config.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script src="/node_modules/mathjax/es5/tex-mml-chtml.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script> -->

Can I safely remove all references to

My app is ASP .NET Core + Angular ANZ version 8.3.1

This issue has been resolved by switching mail relay from Office 365 to Azure Email Communication Service.

Has ANZ updated code supporting email? Can you direct me to the source code for sending emails I can inspect? (IEmailSender)

Microsoft announcement June 10, 2024 "Modern Authentication Methods now needed to continue syncing Outlook Email in non-Microsoft email apps" here:

I am running ANZ version 8.3.1 (Abp v 5.3.0)

Will I be able to send email using my current version after switching from Office365 to Microsoft Exhange server (with correct settings, of course)?

Hello. Any progress on this issue?

Please check email.

files sent to [email protected]

I downloaded Metronc v7.x from, which is v7.0.3, and seems to be for ANZ v9.0.0

I'm using ANZ v10.0.0. The ANZ Change Log for 10.0.0 (2020-12-04) says "Upgraded to Metronic 7.1", which is inconsistent with the above link. Does Metronic version matter?

The link you provided to the document you shared that explains how to build Metronic step by step is for Metronic version 8.

I found a page at Metrionic for version 7.

Which instructions should I follow; version 7 or version 8?

In either case, I'm not able to relate the Metronic instructions to ANZ's implementation.

Could you please provide specific guidance on how to fix this problem?

Additonal information: icons are not displaying the correct color because they are being overriddent by style.bundle.min.css.

Incorrect color for ANZ version 10.0.0 implementation

Correct color for ANZ version 8.3.1 implementation

ANZ veriosn 8.3.1 Angular/Core

Forgot Password replies "Invalid email address" to clearly valid email addresses in the AbpUsers and AbpUserAccounts tables. What conditions might be causing this error? What records might be missing or misconfigured in the db?

"You can download the Metronic source code from"

All the Metronic download links are broken.

Showing 1 to 10 of 402 entries