dparizek created
hi All:
With version 1.3 of the RAD Tool, on Windows in Visual Studio, for the Angular/Core style - prior to 1.3 it was working great, now it writes the back end stuff but NOT the .Web.Host/src/app/main/ folder of client side files.
Just me, or are others seeing this issue?
2 Answer(s)
It generates the files but they in wrong directory, if you have an angular merged project. You can copy them from //src//{{Namespace_Here}}.Web.Host//src//app...
Sorry for the issue, it will be fixed in 1.3.1 ( today or tomorrow).
Version is published 1.3.1 <a class="postlink" href="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Volosoft.AspNetZeroPowerTools">https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/it ... PowerTools</a>