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FileNotFoundException: /Common/Images/app-logo-on-light.png #5029

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mikatmlvertti created

I published my merged angular project to azure and created new tenant and send activation link. When I clicked the link, I got error, but activation was successfull, since I was able to login.

I found this exeption in App_Data -> Logs -> Logs.txt: TenantCustomizationController.GetTenantLogo with arguments (light, 4) - ModelState is Valid System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file: /Common/Images/app-logo-on-light.png

That image is in assests/common/images folder on the server..

What is wrong?

3 Answer(s)
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    mikatmlvertti created

    My activation link was https and when I changed it to http, it worked. But this time there was no filenotfound exception, so could it be different problem?

    And can someone tell me why https gives me error?

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    mikatmlvertti created

    I had http on my remoteServiceBaseUrl and appBaseUrl in servers appconfig.json. Changed to https and problem is solved.

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    ismcagdas created
    Support Team

    Thanks for the feedback @MikaTmlVertti. I guess you are using merged Angular solution. If you were using seperated solution, this would be an error which is fixed in <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ssues/1016</a> and will be in the next release.