We faced lots of build errors on Visual Studio CI/CD for .net core project but this is our last error and we can't figure it out. Our project is based on .net core v1.1 and the last error asked us to upgrade to .net core v2.0 and we did that. All of the CI steps are succeed expect dotnet ef migrations:
This is error message:
Method 'get_Properties' does not have an implementation. in type 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder' from assembly 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=adb9793829ddae60'.
Note: The project is building local machine and on Visual Studio CI [attachment=0:1zkwv4n0]1.png[/attachment:1zkwv4n0]
1 Answer(s)
hi amrsaafan
Has the Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration package been upgraded to 2.1? I saw on nuget that it is already 2.1 [https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration/2.1.1])