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Activities of "maliming"


Provider access token means - When I login through auth0, there will be auth0 access token. So will my application functions or apis works with auth0 access tokens or not

There is no access token obtained from auth0

You will only get user info from auth0. Zero will get username and email etc..

if there is a user in the system with the same email, you will log in automatically.

If there is no user with your auto0 email. You will register a new user with this email, next time, you can log in automatically.

This is how external login works.

When you login in via your google account. zero only knows your google email, it can't get and use access token to call google API.


AuthenticationFailureException: OpenIdConnectAuthenticationHandler: message.State is null or empty.

Fixed by


Please share a username and password of auth0

[email protected]

What do you mean by provider access token?



Can you share your test project?

I will download and debug it.


[email protected]


Have you checked the source that I shared?

I have a multi tenant application. I want to enable both okta and auth0 for each tenant. As zero support only one authentication for a single tenant, I understand I need to customize the code.

You can add multiple OpenIdConnect as authentication providers. The string provider will be Auth0 or Okta

authenticationBuilder.AddOpenIdConnect("Auth0", options => ...
authenticationBuilder.AddOpenIdConnect("Okta", options =>
public ActionResult ExternalLogin(string provider, string returnUrl, string ss = "")
    using (_googleOptions.As<TenantBasedOpenIdConnectOptions>().Change(new OpenIdConnectOptions()))
        // Change the client id and secret to current OpenIdConnectOptions
        var redirectUrl = Url.Action(
            ReturnUrl = returnUrl,
            authSchema = provider,
            ss = ss

        var properties = _signInManager.ConfigureExternalAuthenticationProperties(provider, redirectUrl);            
        return Challenge(properties, provider);


Yes, See

Hi kan software

Can you share a project to reproduce?

In this way, we can quickly troubleshoot and solve the problem.

[email protected]

If UserLoginInfo exists under a tenant, you must switch to this tenant.


I have configured okta for a tenant using openid from its settings page. Now when I am calling this API it gives me Unknown external auth provider error.

Does UserLoginInfo(model.AuthProvider, externalUser.ProviderKey, model.AuthProvider) exist on your database?

it generally coming from externalLoginInfo = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();


These classes allow you to change the options at runtime. They get tenant settings values( from the database).

In fact, you can add multiple OpenIdConnect as authentication providers.

authenticationBuilder.AddOpenIdConnect("Auth0", options => ...

authenticationBuilder.AddOpenIdConnect("Okta", options =>

The name is the Auth0 or Okta

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