I have a system where I want to store only the user information Authentication , Authroization and all the good stuff in Aspnet Zero project , but I would be heavily interacting with another MS SQL database. I would still want to use the repository pattern to update and access the other database tables, but I would like to prevent updating the other database which I am trying to access.
Now I would be accessing only few tables and columns from the other database, so do I need to create those entities with the selected columns in the Core project
How do I stop accidental migration scripts to be run on the secondary database.
6 Answer(s)
You can refer to this sample[https://github.com/aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate-samples/tree/master/MultipleDbContextEfCoreDemo]) to use multiple database contexts.
I like to study the code on that link, but it seems no way for me to download/clone. Can you give me a hent how to do it?
You can clone the repo.
You cannot clone a folder. You can clone the repo, accessible by clicking on aspnetboilerplate-samples.
Understand. Thanks!