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Select2 within a modal issues #5486

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epiphanybsg created

We have added a Select2 to a modal popup menu which does not allow the user to type or select any options. Almost as if the Z-index is lower than that of the overlay. We resolved the problem by setting the tab index to -1 on the modal, but this disables the ability to close the modal with the escape key.

Here it the relevant code, any ideas on how to keep the escape key functionality?


function _createContainer(modalId) {

            var _containerId = modalId + 'Container';
            return $('<div id="' + _containerId + '"></div>')
                    '<div id="' + modalId + '" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="modal" aria-hidden="true">' +
                    '  <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg">' +
                    '    <div class="modal-content"></div>' +
                    '  </div>' +


<div class="form-group m-form__group row">
     <label for="LocationSelect" class="col-lg-12">@L("SelectLocation")</label>    
          <div class="col-lg-12">
                <select id="LocationSelect" class="form-control m-select2" style="width:100%;"></select>

<input class="form-control" value="" type="text" name="locationId" required hidden />

(function ($) {
    app.modals.LocationSelectionModal = function () {

        var _ticketsService =;

        var _modalManager;
        var _$ticketInformationForm = null;

        var _LocationLookupModal = new app.ModalManager({
            viewUrl: abp.appPath + 'Crm/Devices/LocationLookupTableModal',
            scriptUrl: abp.appPath + 'view-resources/Areas/Crm/Views/Devices/_LocationLookupTableModal.js',
            modalClass: 'LocationLookupModal'

        var _serialNumberLookupModal = new app.ModalManager({
            viewUrl: abp.appPath + 'Crm/Devices/SerialNumberLookupModal',
            scriptUrl: abp.appPath + 'view-resources/Areas/Crm/Views/Devices/_SerialNumberLookupModal.js',
            modalClass: 'SerialNumberLookupModal'

        this.init = function (modalManager) {
            _modalManager = modalManager;

			var modal = _modalManager.getModal();            

            _$ticketInformationForm = _modalManager.getModal().find('form[name=TicketInformationsForm]');

        $('#OpenLocationLookupButton').click(function () {

            var ticket = _$ticketInformationForm.serializeFormToObject();

  { id: ticket.locationId, displayName: ticket.locationName }, function (data) {

        $('#ClearLocationNameButton').click(function () {
        $('#OpenSerialNumberLookupButton').click(function () {

            var ticket = _$ticketInformationForm.serializeFormToObject();

  { id: ticket.serialNumberId, displayName: ticket.serialNumberName }, function (data) {
        $('#ClearSerialNumberNameButton').click(function () {
 = function () {
            if (!_$ticketInformationForm.valid()) {

            var ticket = _$ticketInformationForm.serializeFormToObject();

    // select2 initialize

        placeholder: 'Jason',
        ajax: {
            url: abp.appPath + "api/services/app/Tickets/GetAllLocationsForLookupTable",
            dataType: 'json',
            delay: 250,
            data: function (params) {
                return {
                    searchTerm: params.term, // search term
            processResults: function (data, params) {
       = || 1;

                return {
                    results: $.map(data.result, function (item) {
                        return {
                            id: item.value
                    pagination: {
                        more: ( * 30) < data.result.length
            cache: true
        minimumInputLength: 1,


4 Answer(s)
  • User Avatar
    maliming created
    Support Team

    Do you see if the solution here is right for you? <a class="postlink" href=""> ... /issues/41</a>

  • User Avatar
    epiphanybsg created

    After reading the page, the solution we would like to implement is to set the dropdownparent, the rub is that the modal ID for the RAD tool modals are dynamically generated. Is there a way you can set the modal ID before its created, or grab it from the modal manager?

  • User Avatar
    alper created
    Support Team

    Why do you need to assign an ID to modals? Modals are meant to be single instance for the same use-case. As I see from your code, you are removing a modal if exists. But clicking out of the modal area or pressing ESC or clicking X button should close the modal and remove it from DOM.

  • User Avatar
    epiphanybsg created

    dropdownparent for the select2 in all the examples that i've seen that supposedly work are passing in the modal Id. If you don't do this, then you can't type in the select2.