vladsd created
We are trying to use new meronic 5.5 in our module outside of admin.
For some reason none of metronic directives or toggles included into the module, even so we explicitly include it:
import { CoreModule } from '@metronic/app/core/core.module';
import { LayoutConfigService } from '@metronic/app/core/services/layout-config.service'; import { UtilsService } from '@metronic/app/core/services/utils.service'; import { LayoutRefService } from '@metronic/app/core/services/layout/layout-ref.service';
What are we missing? Thanks.
1 Answer(s)
It turns out, that you need to include metronic directives into the same place as actual component that uses, in our case, we had common module, which is shared, that is a place to include.