config file is static on the server, why does framework passes cookie via custom header, see code below. Can it be removed?
private static getApplicationConfig(appRootUrl: string, callback: () => void) { let type = 'GET'; let url = appRootUrl + 'assets/' + environment.appConfig; let customHeaders = [ { name: 'Abp.TenantId', value: abp.multiTenancy.getTenantIdCookie() + '' }];
@aaron, domain service is where the logic lies. do you have suggestion on how to get the changes of the context of the objects without relying on yourRepository.GetDbContext().ChangeTracker
@mailming, thanks, but domain service in core package which does not have relationship with yourRepository, as that one includes core package.
@aaron - here is a use case I have a domain service, which does bunch of works on various financial accounts part of unit of work. That works creates a number of affects, which I need to capture and validate.
If I wait till SaveChanges, then its too late. I need to get all those changes myself before SaveChanges is called. Hope it helps.
I am looking for the way to get the current entity change set in my domain service before it gets submitted to the database.
I can see I can do this: var changeSet = _entityHistoryHelper.CreateEntityChangeSet(ChangeTracker.Entries().ToList());
BUT ChangeTracker is part of DbContext. How do I get current dbcontext in domain service?
Thanks for insight, as I need list of changes before the submitted to the database.
Anyone knows if there is built in way to compare two objects with zero.
i know i can use reflection and do some manual checks, i was wondering if the feautre already in framework. those objects are not database entities. I know about enity history service from framework.
Anyone knows how to use hashbytes within zero to get hash of the specific database record? Thank you.
I tried to inlcude But no matter where I put in module definitions, angular failes to find in runtime. Simple html below fails in dashboard. <alert type="success"> <strong>Well done!</strong> You successfully read this important alert message. </alert>
Any idea?
Thanks for the great tips! What about watching real time app profiling, can it log into console or file?
Did one used a profiler with zero app?
I am thinking of this one:
Do you have any other suggestions?
i saw that, to handle localized dates, one can just use toShortDateString()