Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "vladsd"

config file is static on the server, why does framework passes cookie via custom header, see code below. Can it be removed?

private static getApplicationConfig(appRootUrl: string, callback: () => void) { let type = 'GET'; let url = appRootUrl + 'assets/' + environment.appConfig; let customHeaders = [ { name: 'Abp.TenantId', value: abp.multiTenancy.getTenantIdCookie() + '' }];

I am looking for the way to get the current entity change set in my domain service before it gets submitted to the database.

I can see I can do this: var changeSet = _entityHistoryHelper.CreateEntityChangeSet(ChangeTracker.Entries().ToList());

BUT ChangeTracker is part of DbContext. How do I get current dbcontext in domain service?

Thanks for insight, as I need list of changes before the submitted to the database.


Anyone knows if there is built in way to compare two objects with zero.

i know i can use reflection and do some manual checks, i was wondering if the feautre already in framework. those objects are not database entities. I know about enity history service from framework.


Anyone knows how to use hashbytes within zero to get hash of the specific database record? Thank you.


I tried to inlcude But no matter where I put in module definitions, angular failes to find in runtime. Simple html below fails in dashboard. <alert type="success"> <strong>Well done!</strong> You successfully read this important alert message. </alert>

Any idea?

Did one used a profiler with zero app?

I am thinking of this one:

Do you have any other suggestions?



Is there a standard, the current xml file containts sentences for string names. Like this;

 &lt;text name=&quot;User profile&quot;&gt;User profile&lt;/text&gt;
&lt;text name=&quot;Your user profile information (first name, last name, etc.)&quot;&gt;Your user profile information (first name, last name, etc.)&lt;/text&gt;
&lt;text name=&quot;Your email address&quot;&gt;Your email address&lt;/text&gt;
&lt;text name=&quot;Your phone number&quot;&gt;Your phone number&lt;/text&gt;
&lt;text name=&quot;Your postal address&quot;&gt;Your postal address&lt;/text&gt;
&lt;text name=&quot;AllFunctionalityYouHaveInTheApplication&quot;&gt;All functionality you have in the application&lt;/text&gt;
&lt;text name=&quot;Default (all) API&quot;&gt;Default (all) API&lt;/text&gt;
&lt;text name=&quot;Offline Access&quot;&gt;Offline Access&lt;/text&gt;
&lt;text name=&quot;Access to your applications and resources, even when you are offline&quot;&gt;Access to your applications and resources, even when you are offline&lt;/text&gt;

I just tried to use IE 11 with demo site and it fails to load. Any plans to support IE? Try yourself failed to load javascripts.

For example, Identity.DuplicateEmail says Email '{0}' is already taken. We want to say something different.


We have a white list of IP addresses, all other should be blocked.

Is there one place we can check against that list on ALL API calls to web service?


Showing 1 to 10 of 50 entries