edarib created
Add the following secure password attributes:
Not be the same as the Userid
Expire within a maximum of xx calendar days
Not be identical to the previous ten (10) passwords
Has somebody implemented similar features?
2 Answer(s)
Not be the same as the Userid
You can use custom-validation
Expire within a maximum of xx calendar days
You can add a password expiration field to the User entity and then judge it in the relevant code.
Not be identical to the previous ten (10) passwords
You can use a table to record the user's historical password. Or use EF Owned Entity Types
Hi @ebarib i haven't tried on this yet. However you can try the approach of
custom password validator
in asp.net core identity .see https://andrewlock.net/creating-custom-password-validators-for-asp-net-core-identity-2/